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ASEAN Odyssey: ASEAN-Themed Film Screeningsin April


ASEAN Odyssey: ASEAN-Themed Film Screeningsin April

From March 19 through October 23, the ACH holds ASEAN Odyssey: ASEAN-Themed Film Screeningsat its fourth-floor auditorium under four different themes: “ASEAN Food through Film,” “The Power of ASEAN Film,” “Friendly ASEAN,” and “Showcase of ASEAN aries.”

On the second and third weekend of March, the first theme, “ASEAN Food through Film,” will feature screenings of four films that include ASEAN coffee and food culture. In addition, on April 10, special expert discussions about the coffee market in Busan and ASEAN will be offered after the screening. Join us in exploring the diversity of ASEAN culture through ASEAN Odyssey: ASEAN-Themed Film Screenings!

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