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Cambodia’s water festival “Bon Om Touk”

The lives of Cambodians who worship water are deeply etched into the Bon Om Touk festival. There are many stories surrounding the origins of the festival. One holds that the festival celebrates the triumph of a marine battle against the Chamic People. Another links the festival to Cambodia’s agricultural cycle, closely connected to the end of the country’s r ainy s eason and the f low reversal of the Tonlé S ap River, whose silt deposits greatly fertilize the soil. Regardless of its origins, to Cambodians, of whom 70 percent engage in agriculture and therefore depend on irrigation, Bon Om Touk is one of the most important festivals, which everyone should participate in at least once in a lifetime. Around November, when the dry season begins, festivals are held throughout the country. The largest and most famous festival is held in Phnom Penh, where the Mekong River connects to the Tonlé Sap Lake. The festival lasts for three days, which are designated as national holidays so that every citizen has the opportunity to participate.


The most spectacular event of the festival is a dragon boat race on the river. The boats have a streamlined shape and measure up to 30 meters. Attached to the front is a small altar. Fifty to sixty people clamber onboard, and before the official game begins, women climb onboard and perform a dance to encourage the rowers. Once the race begins, a leader who is situated at the head of the boat shouts loud commands, designed to inspire the rowers. There are about 400 hundred wooden ships involved, which are usually adorned with either dragons or fish, and all participants are clad in colorful clothes, creating a spectacular scene as the boats chop through the water.


During the festival, visitors and tourists from everywhere almost paralyze the city, illustrating the strong enthusiasm for the festival throughout the nation. If you wish to experience authentic Cambodian customs, full of life and invigorating spirit, you’d better not miss this festival.


Festival Tip

Lunar Month Welcoming Event “Sampeah Preah Khae”

Sampeah Preah Khae is a ceremony on the last day of the festival, in which Cambodians pay their respects to the full moon, express their gratitude for the year’s crop, and wish for prosperity and a good harvest in the coming year.


Boat floating event “Bandaet Pratip”

Bandaet Partip begins around 7 pm with illuminated boats taking to the water. Each boat is adorned with a government ministry symbols. Together, the dazzling boats on the river and the fireworks on the night sky a spectacular view.


Festival Food “Ambok”

“Ambok” is a traditional Khmer delicacy that is popular during Bon Om Touk. It is a dish for which rice is fried in a husk, crushed with a large pestle, and then roasted with banana and coconut. During the “Ak Ambok” ceremony, ambok is placed at altars inside pagodas in a display of devotion to the moon.