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Opening of the ACH Digital Experience Zone


Opening of the ACH Digital Experience Zone

Under construction within the ASEAN Culture House throughout 2022, the ASEAN Digital Experience Zone is finally ready to welcome visitors. The new exhibit consists of VR, an LED media wall, immersive panoramic videos, and an interactive avatar experience. All of the platforms utilize a combination of Industry 4.0 technologies and media art to engage visitors in a variety of ASEAN cultural elements, such as the region’s ecology, folk tales, and festivals.

Upon entering the Culture House, visitors will immediately notice how the first-floor lobby and the community hall have been transformed into warmer and more inviting spaces. The lobby area, decorated with various tropical plants, softly plays the sounds of chirping birds and trickling water, and the wide wall screen the front displays images of the Sumatran rainforest. This is the Live Media Wall which features live views of Indonesia’s Gunung Leuser National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site and Biosphere Reserve. Through the magic of big data guests can observe the local conditions of the park in real-time. So, when it actually rains in Indonesia, visitors can experience the same rain while safe and dry at the ASEAN Culture House in Busan. The opening of this interactive exhibit also happens to be just in time to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Korea-Indonesia relations.

One of the most frequently asked questions at the ASEAN Culture House is, “What is the difference between ASEAN and Asian?” For many visitors who are still unfamiliar with ASEAN, the Information Media Wall plays an animation introducing the values pursued by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, as well as the geographical location and basic information of each country, and prominent people from the region who are active on the world stage.

Inside the exhibition hall, the Immersive Video Screening Hall plays panoramic images of the RamakienepicfromThailandandartisticrecreationsofcitiesfrom Malaysia, Singapore, and Viet Nam.Through artistic images and stereo sound, ASEAN nations’traditional and modern aspects are showcased to delight the eyes and ears.

At the Digital Playground, which has renovated the existing library space, visitors can their own digital avatars. Once the avatar is scanned, it is reborn as an animated 3D character on the screen, where it can then travel to famous festivals in Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and the Philippines. From water and light festivals, to rocket and bow-shooting festivals, rocket and bow shooting festivals, guests can enjoy lots of interesting events from all over ASEAN.

The previous ASEAN Heritage VR Experience Room has been renovated into a VR Lounge. Visitors can now explore the cultural sites of Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam in a more cozy and comfortable environment. Awaiting visitors at the digitally revived ASEAN Culture House is the endless diversity of arts and cultures representing the ASEAN region. From antiquity to modernity, and from the verdant, tropical rainforests, to the glimmering skyscrapers soaring up from urban landscapes, the ASEAN Digital Experience Zone offers an exciting journey through the riches of ASEAN.

LocationASEAN Culture House 1st Floor
DateTuesday, January 31, 2023
ContactPerforming Arts and Exhibition Department, 051-775-2024, hiyoo@kf.or.kr

Immersive Video Screening Hall

Digital Playground