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Enjoy Yoga in Da Nang and Surfing in Lombok Hidden Leisure Sports Spots in ASEAN


Enjoy Yoga in Da Nang and Surfing in Lombok Hidden Leisure Sports Spots in ASEAN
Written by Im Sy-yeol (CEO, FRIP)

[사진자료] 베트남 다낭 웰니스 요가(1)_수정.jpg

Unlike older generations, whose travel was often limited to simple tourism, the MZ generation in their 20s and 30s is driving the trend of personalized tourism. They have their own unique tastes and clear purposes when they travel. To them, what they do is more precious than where they go.

[사진자료] 베트남 다낭 웰니스 요가(2)_수정.jpg

ASEAN is the region that can best satisfy the MZ generation’s distinct tastes. In particular, it is perhaps the best tourist destination for leisure sports. Before the COVID pandemic, I also used to regularly go surfing in Bali, Indonesia. In fact, I was on a trip to Thailand when I first decided to become a business founder and a hobby and leisure activity service called FRIP. In ASEAN, your desire for leisure sports will be satisfied, and you will even gain new insights.

If you go to Da Nang, Viet Nam, instead of just spending the whole day at your hotel, I recommend enjoying morning and sunset yoga sessions on a resort beach. After your busy days back home, try hatha yoga and meditation as you look out at the beautiful sea. I am sure new possibilities in life will start to open up. At dawn, experience the Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) sequence in morning yoga to feel the energy of the sun. During the day, relax at a spa or visit nearby attractions as you please. In the evening, as the sky turns violet with the sunset, I recommend energy recovery yoga to unwind from the fatigue that has accumulated during the day.

[사진자료] 인도네시아 롬복 서핑_수정.jpg

[사진자료] 인도네시아 롬복 트레킹_수정.jpg

If your dream is to go hiking amidst beautiful scenery, visit Mount Rinjani on the Indonesian island of Lombok. Mount Rinjani is located in the center of Lombok, which is well known in Korea as the filming site for the TV show “Yoon's Kitchen.” It is considered a sacred mountain to Indonesian residents. As it is still an active volcano, you can experience distinct natural features such as craters, rainforests, waterfalls, and calderas. If you still have time after trekking, you can also go snorkeling on Gili Trawangan or surfing at Gerupuk. The entire island is a comprehensive leisure activity spot.

On the other hand, Coron in the Philippines is a sanctuary for divers from all over the world. Considered one of the world's top three freediving points, you can experience the A to Zs of freediving in Coron. There is beach diving, fun diving with sea animals such as dugongs, and wreck diving (in which you set out to find the remnants of a Japanese shipwreck from World War II). The Philippines is also famous for its beautiful underwater scenery, with colorful coral and a variety of sea animals.

In addition to the areas introduced in this column, there are many hidden marine attractions and leisure sports spots across ASEAN that are still relatively unknown. This summer, visit the countries of ASEAN and try these exciting marine activities.

[사진자료] 필리핀 코론 다이빙_수정.jpg
