
국민과 함께 세계와 소통하는 한국국제교류재단KOREA FOUNDATION

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[Notice] ACH will host [Philippine Film Festival]

  • Writer ACH
  • Date Sep 10, 2019

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Philippines and Korea, as well as the Centennial Year of Philippine Cinema, the ASEAN Culture House is pleased to co-host the Philippine Film Festival with the Embassy of the Philippines in Korea and the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP). 

A total of five films will be screened during the festival, beginning with the opening film Transit (2013). 

We welcome all members of the public to join us as we explore the history and culture of Philippine cinema and learn more about ASEAN.


▶ Application for the participation: https:/s.gle/USGykqVuwgzXj4sG6