검색어 "A Letter from A Million Years Past"에 대한 검색결과 "총 15건"

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[Job opening] Full-time English Copy Editor 2022.03.21
... editing experience (minimum three years) ■ Undergraduate degree or higher...ossibility of extension of up to 2 years) ■ Gross Salary: 2.6 million won ...
한국국제교류재단 > 인재채용 > 채용공고
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  • (총 7건)
[Interview] Jihae Hwang Brings Korean Gardens to the World 2024.02.21

[Interview] Jihae Hwang Brings Korean Gardens to the World

... most popular events. Boasting 200 years of history and tradition, it's a ...he herb drying tower, a component of A Letter from A Million Years Past ex...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2024.03 > People
The Scent of Apple Blossoms Rises from a Thousand Alleyways 2018.01.12

The Scent of Apple Blossoms Rises <font color='red'>from</font> <font color='red'>a</font> Thousand Alleyways

...Daegu's landscape. I was around 17 years old at the time. I was on a schoo...e of 20 would sing “The Soldier's Letter” as they went to serve their mili...
KF > Arts & Media
The Infinite Zen of Extremely Fine Lines 2018.01.12

The Infinite Zen of Extremely Fine Lines

...tion to Creative Succession For 20 years he has worked like that. For Kim ...said. “Three hundred out of three million, which was the nation's approxim...
KF > Arts & Media
Time Travel in Dictionaries 2019.04.03

Time Travel in Dictionaries

...xperience of being transported 100 years into the past to explore how dict... billion won (approximately US$11 million). The dictionary in three volume...
KF > Arts & Media
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