검색어 "Book"에 대한 검색결과 "총 1796건"

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[싱크탱크] 미국 우드로윌슨센터 (WWICS) 박규현 2개월차 2016.05.11
...ents throughout March. The first, “Book Authors' Group”, was an informal m...f scholars interested in writing a book convened in order to offer each ot...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[KF국민공공외교프로젝트]보부상-사후보도자료(0626) 2019.07.11
...교 프로젝트 ‘보부상'팀, 한국전래동화와 전통예술을 융합한 E-book으로 아이슬란드 청소년을 사로잡다! - 레이캬비크(Reykjav...브리홀트스쿨(Breiðholtsskóli) 청소년들과 함께 E-book 제작 2019 KF국민공공외교 프로젝트로 선정되어 활동 중인 ...
국민공공외교 > 공공외교 알리미 > 공지사항
한-네덜란드 수교 60주년 기념전 《변덕스러운 부피와 두께》 개최 2021.06.22
...Versat/te Volumes - The Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korean Artists' Books...ia the KF's website.The Best Dutch Book Designs is an award bestowed each ...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
한-네덜란드 수교 60주년 기념전 <변덕스러운 부피와 두께> 2021.06.23
...Versatile Volumes – The Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korean Artists' Books...Versatile Volumes – The Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korean Artists' Books...
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 892건)
Books, Books, and More Books from Around the World 2021.04.19

Books, Books, and More Books from Around the World

...cipated in the Seoul International Book Fair 2008, the largest event of it... in worldrenowned book fairs, as well as the Seoul International Book Fair.
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 6월 > Fellow Essay II
Interview with Brenda Paik Sunoo: ‘My book is a love letter to Jeju because this island is my muse' 2019.01.17

Interview with Brenda Paik Sunoo: ‘My <font color='red'>book</font> is a love letter to Jeju because this island is my muse'

...erview with Brenda Paik Sunoo: ‘My book is a love letter to Jeju because t...world. What's next for you and the book? I have book receptions planned in...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2019년 한국국제교류재단 2월 뉴스레터 > KF Interviews & Essays
From Script to Sacred Scripture 2019.07.01

From Script to Sacred Scripture

...ripture: An Exploration of Islamic Book-Binding Techniques and Religious A...ndividual pieces of paper into one book and a book flap contraption used t...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2019년 7월 VOL23 > Special
Korean Culture Series 2021.04.19

Korean Culture Series

...tudy Korean culture. As such, this book is based on his personal experienc...eriences of Professor Shaffer, the book serves as an especially useful and...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2007년 2월 > Cover Story

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