검색어 "Brunei Darussalam"에 대한 검색결과 "총 82건"

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[Invitation] Mr. Dato Timothy Ong, Acting Chairman of Brunei Economic Development Board 2010.05.07
...o Timothy Ong, Acting Chairman of Brunei Economic Development Board, will ...mote foreign direct investment in Brunei Darussalam. He is active in publi...
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[Notice] ★Widening Eligibility★ 2019 Easy Access Brunei Darussalam - Lecture, Cultural Experiences 2019.03.08
...ut 2019.   The first installment of the “Easy Access ASEAN” series is “Brunei Darussalam”.   From March 14, “2019 Easy Access Brunei Darussalam” will be held...
ASEAN > News > Notice
Playful ASEAN 2018.09.18
...utions of the embassies and governments of the 10 ASEAN Member States. Brunei Darussalam The Kingdom of Cambodia The Republic of Indonesia Lao People's Democ...
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The 2019 ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit Slogan Contest 2019.04.24
... ROK. * ASEAN : Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Viet Nam, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Cambodia Preparatory Office for 2019 AS...
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국악으로 만나는 아세안 음악: 아세안X시나위(2021) 2023.01.19

국악으로 만나는 아세안 음악: 아세안X시나위(2021)

...WI Concert Schedule - 3/3 (Wed.)  Brunei Darussalam 'Radat', Cambodia 'Lao...s: ASEAN X SINAWI” Ep. 1 Brunei Darussalam “Radat” The majority of Brunei ...
아세안문화원 > 전시/공연/행사 > 아카이브_공연
알기쉬운 브루나이(2018) 2022.12.28

알기쉬운 브루나이(2018)

...행된 아세안문화원의 “알기쉬운 브루나이(Easy Access Brunei) 음식문화체험” 영상입니다.  영상을 보면서 브루나이인이 즐...n cooperation with the Embassy of Brunei Darussalam in Korea, Bruneian exc...
아세안문화원 > 교육/체험/복합 > 아카이브_복합
아세안 요리 레시피 카드&동영상 2023.01.04

아세안 요리 레시피 카드&동영상

...use #ACH #브루나이 #BruneiDarussalam #Brunei #요리교실 #CookingClasshttps://youtu....yam Goreng, fried chicken dish in Brunei Darussalam. We hope you will enjo...
아세안문화원 > 교육/체험/복합 > 아카이브_체험
[ACH Events: March 2019] Easy Access Brunei Darussalam 2019.04.24

[ACH Events: March 2019] Easy Access <font color='red'>Brunei</font> <font color='red'>Darussalam</font>

From March 14 through 17, ASEAN Culture House hosted “Easy Access Brunei Darussalam” as the first event in the “Easy Access ASEAN” series. On March 14...
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