검색어 "Changsin-dong"에 대한 검색결과 "총 16건"

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[The World in Korea] Nepal Street in Changsin-dong Exudes Nepali Culture and Flavor 2021.10.24

[The World in Korea] Nepal Street in <font color='red'>Changsin-dong</font> Exudes Nepali Culture and Flavor

...orld in Korea] Nepal Street in Changsin-dong Exudes Nepali Culture and Fla...World in Korea]Nepal Street in Changsin-dong Exudes Nepali Culture and Fla...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.11 > KF Features
Mending Soles in Seoul 2019.04.03

Mending Soles in Seoul

...king ready-made women's shoes in a small factory on the hillside in Changsin-dong, but sitting down for too long made my leg painful so I had to giv...
KF > Arts & Media
Shared Solutions 2020.03.22

Shared Solutions

...residence built on a 33.7m² plot adjacent to the Seoul City Wall in Changsin-dong, Seoul. As its name suggests, the house choreographs verticality, ...
KF > Arts & Media
Urban Renewal on Second Thought 2018.07.13

Urban Renewal on Second Thought

...nhanced. In that sense, there is another notable case. The areas of Changsin-dong and Sungin-dong, also in old Seoul, filled with sewing factories t...
KF > Arts & Media
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