검색어 "Cultural Exchange"에 대한 검색결과 "총 1024건"

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KF XR 갤러리 기획전 < K=XY: 시공의 너머 > 개최 2023.11.24
...an culture from an international exchange perspective. It aims to enhance ...," and the global rise of Korean cultural influence-not merely as singular...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
Results of the 2020-2021 Arts and Cultural Exchange Program 2019.12.19
Results of the 2020-2021 Arts and Cultural Exchange Program The Korea Foundation is pleased to announce the following grant recipients of the Arts and...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
First Arabic Edition of Koreana has been Published 2005.05.09
...naugural issue of the Arabic edition of Koreana to lay the ground for cultural exchange with the Middle East where Korean Studies programs or materials on Ko...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Invitation] KF 22nd Anniversary Winter Concert 2013.12.05
...ter Concert The Korea Foundation Cultural Center invites you to attend the...inter Concert ‘Korea-China-Japan Cultural Exchange Concert – East Side Sto...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 884건)
‘ Helping Korea to Shine on the Global Stage in 2010' 2021.04.19

‘ Helping Korea to Shine on the Global Stage in 2010'

... effective implementation of its exchange activities. Korean Studies Depar...ree programs and Korean language/cultural centers. Fellowship Program Depa...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 1월 > A Unique Venue for Hosting Cross-cultural Exchange
Bridging the World's Cultures 2021.04.19

Bridging the World's Cultures

...d the Korea Foundation for Asian Cultural Exchange in 2001 and 2004, respe...cultural exchange programs among cultural institutions has become a major ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2004년 5월 > New Staff at the Foundation
Importance of Cultural Exchange in an Age of Conflict 2021.04.19

Importance of <font color='red'>Cultural</font> <font color='red'>Exchange</font> in an Age of Conflict

...Reality of Conflict and Need for Cultural Exchange Therefore, an enhanceme...ty. Foundation for International Cultural Exchange International exchange ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2005년 8월 > New Publications II
International Exchange from a Global, Not Just Korean, Perspective 2021.04.19

International <font color='red'>Exchange</font> from a Global, Not Just Korean, Perspective

...orea to shift from international exchange intended for improving Korea's i... in most countries, academic and cultural exchange is considered an import...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2000년 9월 > KF Fellows
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