검색어 "Culture Center"에 대한 검색결과 "총 1608건"

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ASEAN Cinema Week 2019 ‒ ASEAN Cinema NOW! 2019.10.17
...) - 11. 16 (Sa 영화의전당 Busan Cinema Center 제주 Jeju 2019. 12. 7 (Sa 메가박스 제주 M...hu) - 12. 13 (Fri) 국립아시아문화전당 Asia Culture Center * 티켓은 전석 무료이며, 온라인 사전예매는 ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[아세안의 빛, 하나의 공동체] Light of ASEAN, One Community and Harmony 2020.05.12
...매주 월요일 및 공휴일 휴관 전시장소 아세안문화원 ASEAN Culture House 주소: 부산광역시 해운대구 좌동로 162 전화번...d Harmony, first held at the Asia Culture Center in Gwangju in 2019 (Octob...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
Commemorative Exhibition for the 30th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Korea and Kazakhstan "Land of Hope" 2022.07.01
... to the Republic of Korea 협력 Cooperation 월곡 고려인문화관 “결” Wolgok Goryeoin Culture Center | 카자흐스탄고려인협회 Association of Koreans in Kazakhstan 고려일보 Koryo Ilbo 전시장소...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[예매안내] 2019 아세안 영화주간- 아세안 영화, 현재를 만나다! 2019.10.17
...) - 11. 16 (Sa 영화의전당 Busan Cinema Center 제주 Jeju 2019. 12. 7 (Sa 메가박스 제주 M...hu) - 12. 13 (Fri) 국립아시아문화전당 Asia Culture Center * 티켓은 전석 무료이며, 온라인 사전예매는 ...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
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[EN] 4K Exploring Korean Culture through Virtual Tour – Haenam 2021.07.27

[EN] 4K Exploring Korean <font color='red'>Culture</font> through Virtual Tour – Haenam

Exploring Korean Culture through Virtual Tour – Haenam The KF will produce ...deo version of “On the Road,” the culture-centered travel column in its co...
KF > Arts & Media
‘Koreana' Travel Column Launches  2020.09.19

‘Koreana' Travel Column Launches 

...Video Format The KF will produce a video version of “On the Road,” the culture-centered travel column in its comprehensive arts and culture quarterly, Koreana, in print since 1987. The first video, focusing on...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.10 > kf activities
2018 아세안문화원 열린음악회 II 한-아세안 전통음악 한마당 2022.12.27

2018 아세안문화원 열린음악회 II 한-아세안 전통음악 한마당

...습니다.     In cooperation with Asia Culture Center and Asia Culture Institut...with Asia Culture Center and Asia Culture Institute, the ASEAN Culture Hou...
아세안문화원 > 전시/공연/행사 > 아카이브_공연
The Future of Korea-ASEAN Sociocultural Cooperation in the Post-COVID-19 Era 2021.01.01

The Future of Korea-ASEAN Sociocultural Cooperation in the Post-COVID-19 Era

...e economy, politics, society, and culture. What started as a public health.... Korea, which already has such a center, is expected to contribute its ex...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2021년 1월 VOL41 > Special Feature
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