검색어 "Daily_Life"에 대한 검색결과 "총 391건"

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[싱크탱크] 벨기에 유럽의회(EP) 박은지 3개월차 2018.12.06
...self online 9) High-level Conference: EU Research and Innovation in our daily life 전반적으로, 유럽 의회에서 업무를 비롯한 기타 활동을 하며 최대한 알차게 시간을 보낼 수 있도록 노력하였습니다. 최적의 근무 환...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[공고] 2011년도 출판지원사업 선정결과 2010.12.17
...몽 번역출판) 장소영 외 몽골어 2 도서출판 은행나무 All Things Modern: The Transformations of Daily Life in Korea Andrei Lankov 영어 <국외> 번호 출판사 제목 저자 출판어 1 The Univ. of Chicago ...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[공감하는 시선] 제주 순회전 2019.07.11
...ted that contain beautiful images of cultural attractions and fashions, daily life in Korea and each of the ASEAN member countries, and sites of internati...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[Notice] Result of the 2011 Publication Support Program Applications 2011.01.04
...al Mongolian 2 EunHaeng NaMu  All Things Modern: The Transformations of Daily Life in Korea Andrei Lankov English No. Publisher Title Author Language 1 Th...
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Preserving the Legacy of the Goguryeo People 2021.04.19

Preserving the Legacy of the Goguryeo People

...vered, vividly depict the everyday life of the Goguryeo people, like a pic...scenes of people going about their daily activities in brilliant and subdu...
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[KF Mailbox] Seoul: My Life's Turning Point 2023.10.25

[KF Mailbox] Seoul: My <font color='red'>Life</font>'s Turning Point

 People >  Seoul: My Life's Turning Point Seoul: My Life's Turning Point Sv... but also the chance to experience daily life in Korea. This, alongside th...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.11 > People
A Daily Routine as Precious as Ever 2020.06.30

A <font color='red'>Daily</font> Routine  as Precious as Ever

...TURE & ART Guardians Of Heritage A Daily Routine as Precious as Ever Locat...nothing special about it. A simple life where his days begin and end in th...
KF > Arts & Media
[Jeju Playbook] Savoring Life with Jeju's Ever-changing Sea 2023.11.23

[Jeju Playbook] Savoring <font color='red'>Life</font> with Jeju's Ever-changing Sea

 People >  Savoring Life with Jeju's Ever-changing Sea Savoring Life with J... the island brings the sea into my daily life, presenting a different vist...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.12 > People
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