검색어 "Digital Experience Zone"에 대한 검색결과 "총 21건"

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상설전시실 출입통제 알림 2023.07.19
...th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The ASEAN Digital Experience Zone and the Special Exhibition Gallery will remain open as usual.
아세안문화원 > 새소식 > 공지사항
KF아세안문화원 임시 휴관 안내 2022.10.20
...최선을 다하겠습니다. Notice: Temporary Closure Due to construction of the ASEAN Digital Cultural Experience Zone, the KF-ACH will be closed from October 20 to October 31. We ap...
아세안문화원 > 새소식 > 공지사항
KF아세안문화원 전시실 휴관 안내 2022.11.02
...orary Closure of Exhibition Galleries Due to construction of the ASEAN Digital Cultural Experience Zone, the KF-ACH's Permanent Exhibition Gallery and Special Exhibiti...
아세안문화원 > 새소식 > 공지사항
Notice: Permanent Closure of the Library (From October 12, 2022) 2022.10.07
...ermanently on October 12, 2022 (Wednesday) to be reopened as the ASEAN Digital Culture Experience Zone. We would appreciate the return of loaned books prior to the cl...
ASEAN > News > Notice
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Opening of the ACH Digital Experience Zone 2023.02.02

Opening of the ACH <font color='red'>Digital</font> <font color='red'>Experience</font> <font color='red'>Zone</font>

ACH NEWS Opening of the ACH Digital Experience Zone Under construction within the ASEAN Culture House throughout 2022, the ASEAN Digital Experience Zo...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2023년 2월 VOL66 > ACH News
ASEAN Culture House Opens Digital Experience Zone 2022.12.23

ASEAN Culture House Opens <font color='red'>Digital</font> <font color='red'>Experience</font> <font color='red'>Zone</font>

 What's On >  ASEAN Culture House Opens Digital Experience Zone ASEAN Culture House Opens Digital Experience Zone From January 31, the ASEAN Culture H...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.01 > What's On
아세안 디지털문화체험존 및 <또 다른 얼굴들> 전시 개막식 현장 2023.07.04

아세안 디지털문화체험존 및 <또 다른 얼굴들> 전시 개막식 현장

...ril 26. It was a day filled with celebration as we unveiled the "ASEAN Digital Experience Zone" and the special exhibition, "Alternative Identities: Masks of ...
아세안문화원 > 전시/공연/행사 > 아카이브_행사
May 2023 EVENTS 2023.04.21

May 2023 EVENTS

...ition KF Gallery 4/26 Busan, South Korea Opening Ceremony of the ASEAN Digital Experience Zone & the Special Exhibition “Alternative Identities” KF ASEAN Cult...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.05 > What's On
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