검색어 "Diplomatic Relations "에 대한 검색결과 "총 732건"

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Узбекистан и Лихтенштейн установили дипломатические отношения 2024.03.22
... https://daryo.uz/en/2024/03/06/uzbekistan-and-liechtenstein-install-diplomatic-relations 2) https://www.uzdaily.uz/post/76563   ※ Данный пост был обобще...
Секретариат Форума по сотрудничеству между Кореей и Центральной Азией > Тенденции > Политика
우즈베키스탄과 리히텐슈타인, 외교 관계 수립 2024.03.22
...ttps://daryo.uz/en/2024/03/06/uzbekistan-and-liechtenstein-establish-diplomatic-relations 2) https://www.uzdaily.uz/en/post/76563   ※ 본 게시물은 한국외국어대학교 중앙아시아연구소...
한-중앙아협력포럼사무국 > 분야별 동향 > 정치
[Invitation] Mr. Lukas Mussi, Director of the Dept. for International Relations, Parliament of the Republic of Austria 2010.08.26
... the Department of International Relations, Parliament of the Republic of ...lebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations. And through his visi...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Invitation] Mr. Al Zaabi Waleed Rashed, Manager of Heritage and Arts Administration, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Community Development, the United Arab Emirates 2011.10.18
...remony was held to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and the UAE. As the manager of Heritage and Arts Admin...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 611건)
The History of the Establishment of Relations between Korea and Central Asia as Seen through Diplomatic Documents from 30 Years Ago 2021.09.16

The History of the Establishment of <font color='red'>Relations</font> between Korea and Central Asia as Seen through <font color='red'>Diplomatic</font> Documents from 30 Years Ago

 KF Features > The History of the Establishment of Relations between Korea and Central Asia as Seen through Diplomatic Documents from 30 Years Ago The...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.10 > KF Features
Korea and Russia Commemorate 20Years of Diplomatic Relations 2021.04.19

Korea and Russia Commemorate 20Years of <font color='red'>Diplomatic</font> <font color='red'>Relations</font>

...versary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Rus... Relations The establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Rus...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 11월 > Activities Calendar
120th Anniversary of Korea-France Diplomatic Relations 2021.04.19

120th Anniversary of Korea-France <font color='red'>Diplomatic</font> <font color='red'>Relations</font>

... marks the 120th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Fra...rsary of Korea-France diplomatic relations. Recently, I heard from Korean ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2006년 5월 > Internet World
“We have many things to learn from each other” 2021.04.19

“We have many things to learn from each other”

...f the Institute of International Relations (IIR) of Prague, the Czech Repu... understanding and to discuss a diplomatic strategy for advancing the inte...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 8월 > Washington D.C. Office

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