검색어 "Don’t Give up, Science! series"에 대한 검색결과 "총 13건"

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Lee Chun-suk's Deft and Joyful Scissor Work 2017.07.14

Lee Chun-suk's Deft and Joyful Scissor Work

...by.” Lee has plenty to say on the science of beautifulhair. “Hair ages and...lthy, all it takes is a good cutto give it a great look. The way hair is d...
KF > Arts & Media
Memories of Bigeumdo 2016.08.22

Memories of Bigeumdo

...e to the language of Bigeumdo will give a good idea of its distinctive cha...grand prize at the National Youth Science Competition for our research on ...
KF > Arts & Media
Two Ingenious Vaccines Against Pandemics 2020.06.30

Two Ingenious Vaccines Against Pandemics

...er some distance for a while, but I don't believe that such precautions wi...at is what happens.  Kang Yang-gu Science Journalist Heo Dong-wuk Photogra...
KF > Arts & Media
A Young Turk's Answer to the Cry of [i]Haegeum[/i] 2019.04.03

A Young Turk's Answer  to the Cry of [i]Haegeum[/i]

... he left Turkey to study computer science and IT in faraway Korea, then sw...come so captivated by it? “I myself don't know exactly why,” Cevzet admitt...
KF > Arts & Media
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