검색어 "France "에 대한 검색결과 "총 519건"

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The 6th Korea-France Forum 2005.06.23
The 6th Korea-France Forum will be held at the Institut Français des...mic Cooperation between Korea and France”, “Evaluation of the Bilateral Ti...
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[Invitation] Mr. Jean-Vincent Place, Assistant National Secretary of the Green Party′s EELV (Europe Ecologie Les Verts) and Vice President of the Ile-de-France Regional Council 2011.10.18
... and Vice President of the Ile-de-France Regional Council, will visit Kore...tion Yeosu Korea 2012. The ile-de-France region decided to participate in ...
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[도서관] 프랑스 콜레주드프랑스 한국학연구소도서관 한지윤 1개월차 2020.03.18
...s 1. 콜레주드프랑스 한국학연구소도서관(Collège de France-Bibliothèque d'études coréennes) ...çais) 사진6. 프랑스어 수업을 듣는 Collège de France 본부 Collège de France 본부에서 매주 목요일마...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[Forum] The 7th Korea-France Forum 2008.01.08
The 7th Korea-France Forum will be held at the Seoul Plaza Hotel in Seoul, ...ll discuss “Politics in Korea and France – State reform of the new governm...
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  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 308건)
5th Korea-France Forum 2021.04.19

5th Korea-<font color='red'>France</font> Forum

...made clear during the Fifth Korea-France Forum is that ways should be soug...attaching importance to the Korea-France Forum as a useful venue for dialo...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2002년 5월 > Korean Studies Abroad
Working Together to Advance their Mutual Interests 2021.04.19

Working Together to Advance their Mutual Interests

...rious sectors to strengthen Korea-France relations, while IFRI President T...on to further reinforce the partnership relations between Korea and France.
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 2월 > KF Activities
120th Anniversary of Korea-France Diplomatic Relations 2021.04.19

120th Anniversary of Korea-<font color='red'>France</font> Diplomatic Relations

...matic relations between Korea and France, which is being commemorated with...in Korea and France include Korea-France film festivals, Korea-France phil...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2006년 5월 > Internet World
Korea and France Join Hands to Address International Issues 2021.04.19

Korea and <font color='red'>France</font> Join Hands to Address International Issues

The eighth Korea-France Forum (May 11-12), which was hosted in Paris by the...60 representatives from Korea and France. The French delegation, led by IF...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 7월 > Moscow Office
  • 동영상
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