검색어 "Global Contribution Program"에 대한 검색결과 "총 96건"

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Peace and security strategy: joining efforts in countering terrorism 2018.09.18
...rstates, makes its significant contribution to consolidate internationalco...in Communityof Nations along with global tasks in ensuring security such a...
한-중앙아협력포럼사무국 > 오늘의 뉴스 > 중앙아시아 5개국
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KF Global Contribution Program: “KF-POSCO Global Bridge” in the Philippines 2016.09.28

KF <font color='red'>Global</font> <font color='red'>Contribution</font> <font color='red'>Program</font>: “KF-POSCO <font color='red'>Global</font> Bridge” in the Philippines

NEWSLETTERS KF Activities [Review] KF Global Contribution Program:“KF-POSCO Global Bridge” in the Philippines [Review] KF Global Contribution Program:...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2016년 한국국제교류재단 10월 뉴스레터 > KF Activities
KF Global Contribution Program in the Philippines: KF-POSCO Global Bridge 2016.07.29

KF <font color='red'>Global</font> <font color='red'>Contribution</font> <font color='red'>Program</font> in the Philippines: KF-POSCO <font color='red'>Global</font> Bridge

▲Laos, 2015 KF-POSCO Global Bridge KF Global Contribution Program in the Philippines: KF-POSCO Global Bridge Another event of the KF-POSCO Global Brid...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2016년 한국국제교류재단 8월 뉴스레터 > KF Activities
Global Contribution Program in the Philippines “KF-POSCO Global Bridge” 2016.09.05

<font color='red'>Global</font> <font color='red'>Contribution</font> <font color='red'>Program</font> in the Philippines “KF-POSCO <font color='red'>Global</font> Bridge”

Under the KF-POSCO Global Bridge initiative, a global contribution program co-organized by the KF and POSCO E&C, was conducted on August 15-20, 2016, ...
KF > Global Networking
2015 KF Global Contribution Program(Eng) 2021.07.28

2015 KF <font color='red'>Global</font> <font color='red'>Contribution</font> <font color='red'>Program</font>(Eng)

2015 KF Global Contribution Program JOY Children's Choir in Indonesia Jul. 1 - Aug. 6, 2015
KF > Arts & Media
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