검색어 "Haenyeo"에 대한 검색결과 "총 70건"

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Jeju's Haenyeo Cherish Modern Artisan Yi Seong-mo's Diving Suits 2017.04.25

Jeju's <font color='red'>Haenyeo</font> Cherish Modern Artisan Yi Seong-mo's Diving Suits

...& ART GUARDIAN OF HERITAGE Jeju's Haenyeo Cherish Modern Artisan Yi Seong-...eliver a new one. Survival of the Haenyeo and their Outfits One can see th...
KF > Arts & Media
Meeting Korean Culture Abroad: ‘Haenyeo—Women of the Sea' Celebrates Korea-Sweden Amity 2019.07.27

Meeting Korean Culture Abroad: ‘<font color='red'>Haenyeo</font>—Women of the Sea' Celebrates Korea-Sweden Amity

...> Meeting Korean Culture Abroad: ‘Haenyeo—Women of the Sea' Celebrates Kor... to appreciate various aspects of haenyeo culture as a Jeju haenyeo choir ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2019년 한국국제교류재단 8월 뉴스레터 > KF Interviews & Essays
Fond Memories of a Jeju Haenyeo's Old Kitchen 2017.10.17

Fond Memories of a Jeju <font color='red'>Haenyeo</font>'s Old Kitchen

...FEATURE 4 Fond Memories of a Jeju Haenyeo's Old Kitchen The traditional Je... mainland, it embodiedthe life of haenyeo, the female deep sea diverswho s...
KF > Arts & Media
KF Presents “2021 Sound Healing with Korea - Listen to Jeju” 2021.10.12

KF Presents “2021 Sound Healing with Korea - Listen to Jeju”

...tronger due to the ever-changing weather of Jeju. ◦ “Sumbisori of Jeju Haenyeo” focuses exclusively on the breathing sound of haenyeo, women divers in the water, a different approach from other similar v...
KF > Arts & Media
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