검색어 "Hangeul Calligraphy Contest"에 대한 검색결과 "총 5건"

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[Bridging the World] Calligraphy & Ink Stones Boost Viet Nam–Boryeong City Friendship 2023.03.24

[Bridging the World] <font color='red'>Calligraphy</font> & Ink Stones Boost Viet Nam–Boryeong City Friendship

 Features >  Calligraphy & Ink Stones Boost Viet Nam–Boryeong City Friendsh...hip On October 27 last year, the “Hangeul Calligraphy Contest” was held at...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.04 > Features
[Letter from a KF Visiting Professor] Canadian Students Dream of Visiting Korea 2021.01.16

[Letter from a KF Visiting Professor] Canadian Students Dream of Visiting Korea

...oking class, a special lecture on Hangeul calligraphy, and Korean speaking...ast year, the first Korean speech contest was held by the University of Mo...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.02 > People
Encouraging Foreigners to Appreciate Hangeul 2021.04.19

Encouraging Foreigners to Appreciate <font color='red'>Hangeul</font>

Hangeul is a source of pride for Korea and its people. Hangeul Day, which i...ities in the afternoon, such as calligraphy writing, dressing in hanbok, q...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2007년 11월 > Beijing Office
‘Experience Korea with All of Your Senses!' 2021.04.19

‘Experience Korea with All of Your Senses!'

...e of Korean Culture Thereafter, calligraphy Master Byong Oh demonstrated t...nese characters as well as Korean Hangeul letters to the visitors. Of note...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 7월 > Washington D.C. Office
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