검색어 "Hanok"에 대한 검색결과 "총 417건"

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  • (총 14건)
[Notice] Five documentary films on Korean culture completed 2009.07.10
...reans.   Korean Traditional House, Hanok Produced by KNTV Sponsored by the...rner who has greater affection for Hanok, traditional house of Korea, than...
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[Invitation] Ms. Lucy Bogari, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Papua New Guinea 2011.06.03
...dition, she will also visit the DMZ, the War Memorial of Korea, Bukchon Hanok Village, Cheongwadae Sarangchae Exhibition, Gyeongbok Palace, and vari...
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[Invitation] Mr. Al Zaabi Waleed Rashed, Manager of Heritage and Arts Administration, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Community Development, the United Arab Emirates 2011.10.18
...thermore, Mr. Al Zaabi will have an opportunity to visit the National Museum of Korea, Gyeongbok Palace, Jeonju hanok village and other notable sites.
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2010 Fall Field Trip schedule for Korean Language Training Fellows 2010.10.11
...es by visiting historic places such as Seonunsa buddhist temple, Jeonju Hanok Village and so on. The Field Trip, arranged twice annually by The Kore...
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  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 156건)
Hanok for the 21st Century 2019.10.04

<font color='red'>Hanok</font> for the 21st Century

CULTURE & ART INTERVIEW Hanok for the 21st Century Purists oppose changes t...tions of hanok. Cho: That's right. Hanok is a language that I can think wi...
KF > Arts & Media
Hanok: Eternal Quest of Modernism 2014.02.27

<font color='red'>Hanok</font>: Eternal Quest of Modernism

...ative architecture, which can make hanok (traditional Korean house) a visu...or should it. The same is true for hanok. As long as you confine hanok wit...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 12월 뉴스레터 > people

THE  <font color='red'>HANOK</font>  RENAISSANCE

... and Desires SPECIAL FEATURE 4 THE HANOK RENAISSANCE Once perceived as inc...enomenon but the beginning of the “hanok renaissance.” Jeon Bong-hee Profe...
KF > Arts & Media
Be Our Guest: Hanok Guesthouses welcome visitors from home and abroad 2016.11.23

Be Our Guest: <font color='red'>Hanok</font> Guesthouses welcome visitors from home and abroad

NEWSLETTERS KF Feature Be Our Guest: Hanok Guesthouses welcome visitors from home and abroad Be Our Guest: Hanok Guesthouses welcome visitors from hom...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2016년 한국국제교류재단 12월 뉴스레터 > KF Feature

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