검색어 "Hui Kyung An"에 대한 검색결과 "총 50건"

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Korea Focus Webzine Vol. 9(September), 2011 2011.09.20
...e to Resume Mt. Kumgang Tour(Chang Kyung-chak) - Inheritance Rights of Nor...s were Weapons and Wealth(Kim Seong-hui) (Interview) - Liu Ming-liang: ‘Ko...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
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[Korean Content] “Where have you been hiding?” Fine Art Hallyu from an Economics Perspective 2023.12.22

[Korean Content] “Where have you been hiding?” Fine Art Hallyu from <font color='red'>an</font> Economics Perspective

... to Lee, Kim Kulim, and Sung Neung Kyung. This trio is not the only exampl... influence of the Korean community; Hui Kyung An currently works as a cura...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2024.01 > Features
Overseas Korean Art Curators Attend KF Annual Workshop 2014.02.15

Overseas Korean Art Curators Attend KF Annual Workshop

... Period of Joseon” by Dr. Eom Seung-hui; and “Modern and Contemporary Kore... its Development” by Professor Roe Kyung-jo. The lectures were presented b...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 1월 뉴스레터 > culture
Korea and Brazil Seek Practical Ways to Bolster Cooperation 2021.04.19

Korea and Brazil Seek Practical Ways to Bolster Cooperation

...iamentary Friendship Society; Choi Kyung-lim, Korean Ambassador to Brazil;...bassador for Climate Change; and Ku Hui-gwon, Senior Advisor to the Foreig...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 10월 > KF Forum II
Korea Foundation 19th Anniversary Concert: ‘Soaring High' 2021.04.19

Korea Foundation 19th Anniversary Concert: ‘Soaring High'

... Lee Seung-won (viola), and Mun Ung-hui (cello), all graduates of the Kore...s for a happy holiday season. Choi Kyung-sook Korea Foundation 19th Annive...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2011년 1월 > culture
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