검색어 "Invitation Program"에 대한 검색결과 "총 433건"

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검색결과-업무(부서, 담당업무, 연락처, 팩스번호)
부서 담당업무 연락처
Global Networking Department Invitation Programs for Distinguished Figures, Next Genenation Leaders Program, Youth Exchange program +82-2-2151-6570
Global Networking Department Head of Invitation Programs for Distinguished Guests, Next Genenation Leaders program, Youth Exchange program, Forums and Seminars +82-2-2151-6568
Global Networking Department Invitation Programs for Distinguished Figures, Next-Generation Leaders program, Youth Exchange program, Forums and Seminars +82-2-2151-6548
Global Networking Department Head of Youth Exchange program, Invitation Programs for Distinguished Guests, US Peace Corps Volunteers Revisit Program, Next Genenation Leaders program, Forums and Seminars +82-2-2151-6517
Asia Programs Department Invitation Programs for Distinguished Figures +82-51-775-2040
  • 게시판
  • (총 64건)
[Invitation] Program for U.S. Youth to Visit Korea 2009.06.08
Invitation Program for U.S. Youth to Visit Korea The Korea Foundation will host an invitation program under which about 100 high school students from ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Invitation] ‘Korea-China Youth Exchanges' program 2010 2010.05.24
‘Korea-China Youth Exchanges' program 2010, hosted by the Korea Foundation ...na in July 2010. Therefore, the invitation program is expected to be a ver...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
2000 Japanese Secondary School Social Studies Teachers Invitation 2000.11.03
...s will co-host the Japanese Secondary School Social Studies Teachers Invitation Program, for a period of 15 days from November 8 to 22, which incluldes the p...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
Next-Generation Leaders from the CIS 2005.11.19
Under the invitation program of 'Next-Generation Leaders visit to Korea', ten prominent individuals from the CIS countries will visit Korea during the...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 345건)
Foundation Activities Calendar February 2007 - April 2007 2021.04.19

Foundation Activities Calendar February 2007 - April 2007

...act Culture and Arts Department Invitation of Batbayar Bat-ErdeneFebruary ... as a guest of the Foundation's Invitation Program Venue Seoul and other c...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2007년 2월 > Cover Story
Korea Foundation Activities (September-November 2002) 2021.04.19

Korea Foundation Activities (September-November 2002)

...isted below. Country Organization Program U.S.A. Georgetown University Est...Ca'Foscari University of Venice Invitation of Korean Studies visiting prof...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2002년 11월 > KF Activities
August 16 - September 15, 2007 2021.04.19

August 16 - September 15, 2007

...of the London City Hall, at the invitation of the Thames Festival. The exh...e conclusion of World War II. 7.Invitation Program In September, the guest...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2007년 10월 > Forum Report
Foundation Programs and Plans for 2006 2021.04.19

Foundation Programs and Plans for 2006

...omies. In 2006, the Foundation plans to host 6 forums and support 5. Invitation Program The Foundation invites distinguished individuals and experts to visit...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2006년 2월 > New Publications II
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