검색어 "Islam"에 대한 검색결과 "총 139건"

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[Invitation] Dr. Awadh Al Badi, Director of Dept. of Research and Studies, KFCRIS 2009.07.09
Dr. Awadh Al Badi, Director of the Dept. of Research and Studies at the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS) in Saudi Arabia, ...
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[전문가칼럼] 이슬람역사 속에 투영된 투르크 이슬람 2017.11.27
...르크민족과nbsp;이슬람 < 정통이슬람(Orthodoxnbsp;Islam) > 정통이슬람nbsp;다시nbsp;말하면,nbsp;순니nb...잡게nbsp;되었다. <비 정통이슬람(Heterodoxnbsp;Islam)> 정착생활을nbsp;하던nbsp;투르크민족에게는nbsp;정...
한-중앙아협력포럼사무국 > 중앙아 최근동향 > 전문가 칼럼
[전문가칼럼] 새로운 국제정세와 "한-중앙아협력포럼"의 발전 방향에 대한 조언 2017.10.25
...5월에 진보를 표방하는 문재인이 대통령으로 선출되었다. 둘째, 우즈베키스탄에서는 작년 9월에 25년을 통치하였던 이슬람 카리모프(Islam Karimov) 전 대통령이 서거하고 같은 해 12월에 샤프카트 미르지요예프(Shavkat Mirziyoyev)가 대통령으로 ...
한-중앙아협력포럼사무국 > 중앙아 최근동향 > 전문가 칼럼
[전문가칼럼] 붉은 하늘의 초승달은 푸른 하늘에도 뜬다 : 터키와 위구르 친족관계의 역사 2018.08.06
...에 동투르키스탄 이슬람 공화국(Sherqiy Türkistan Islam Jumhuriyiti,1933-1934)이 선포됐을 무렵에도...E. Fuller amp;Jonathan N. Lipman, "Islam in Xinjiang," in: Fredrick Starr(...
한-중앙아협력포럼사무국 > 중앙아 최근동향 > 전문가 칼럼
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 105건)
From Script to Sacred Scripture 2019.07.01

From Script to Sacred Scripture

...e Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, received from a monotheistic God...most important scared scripture of Islam. The content of the Quran was ori...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2019년 7월 VOL23 > Special
[World in Korea] Ramadan Comes to Seoul Central Mosque, Largest Mosque in Korea 2020.04.23

[World in Korea] Ramadan Comes to Seoul Central Mosque,  Largest Mosque in Korea

...es, mosques are a unique symbol of Islam. Korea has more than 10 mosques, ...auxiliary building that houses the Islam Center and a free book café. As t...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.05 > feature
An Interview with Professor Seok-Joon Hong at Mokpo National University 2019.07.01

An Interview with Professor Seok-Joon Hong at Mokpo National University

...e among Southeast Asian countries. Islam is the official religion of Malay...laysia changed with the revival of Islam? Islamic Revivalism (also referre...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2019년 7월 VOL23 > Special
The More the Merrier: Three New Years in ASEAN 2023.01.09

The More the Merrier: Three New Years in ASEAN

...ir faith. Although roughly 87 percent of Indonesia's population follows Islam and only about 2 percent follow Hinduism, it remains important to unde...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2023년 1월 VOL65 > Special Feature
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