검색어 "Italy"에 대한 검색결과 "총 255건"

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  • (총 36건)
Korea-Italy Forum 2005.11.01
Korea-Italy Forum will be held at the Korea Foundation cultural center down...he Korea Foundation and Embassy of Italy in Seoul and Italian Cultural Ins...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[발표] 2008 한국어펠로십 선정자 명단 공고 2007.10.30
...g, Nada (Egypt)Frezza, Alessandra (Italy)García Torres, Marco Aurelio (Spa...d, Klaus (Austria)Marino, Claudio (Italy)Meen, Kristopher Edward (Canada)M...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[Awardees] 2008 Korean Language Training Fellowship 2007.10.30
...g, Nada (Egypt)Frezza, Alessandra (Italy)García Torres, Marco Aurelio (Spa...d, Klaus (Austria)Marino, Claudio (Italy)Meen, Kristopher Edward (Canada)M...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
The 1st Korea-Italy Forum 2004.06.21
The 1st Korea-Italy Forum will be held at Villa Madama in Rome on June 24, ...and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy. This year's forum will focus on ...
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  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 182건)
Korea and Italy Focus on a More Creative Partnership 2021.04.19

Korea and <font color='red'>Italy</font> Focus on a More Creative Partnership

The Korea-Italy Forum held its 4th session in Milan, on March 15, 2010, whi...tion to its contributions to Korea-Italy bilateral exchange, this year's f...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 4월 > Overseas Office
First Korea-Italy Forum 2021.04.19

First Korea-<font color='red'>Italy</font> Forum

Korea and Italy have maintained diplomatic relations since 1884, making Italy one of Korea's oldest diplomatic partners. In commemoration of the 120th...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2004년 8월 > On the Spot II
[The Ties That Bind] 140th Anniversary of Italy–Korea Ties 2024.01.24

[The Ties That Bind] 140th Anniversary of <font color='red'>Italy</font>–Korea Ties

 Features >  140th Anniversary of Italy–Korea Ties 140th Anniversary of Ita...y of the Italian Embassy in Korea) Italy140th Anniversary of Italy–Korea T...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2024.02 > Features
Mixing and Motion An Architect's Adventure Simone Carena 2020.06.30

Mixing and Motion An Architect's Adventure Simone Carena

...iversity in his hometown of Turin, Italy, Simone Carena created his own ex... overwhelmed, however. Coming from Italy, with its rich architectural heri...
KF > Arts & Media

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