검색어 "Jung Duk-hyun"에 대한 검색결과 "총 100건"

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[Digital Contents] Are Dialects Translatable? 2022.05.26

[Digital Contents] Are Dialects Translatable?

... Translatable? Dialects in Hallyu Content to Promote Provincial Regions Jung Duk-hyun, Pop culture Critic The seventh episode of the Apple TV+ original ser...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.06 > KF Features
What Exactly Is Netflix Changing? 2018.01.12

What Exactly Is Netflix Changing?

...ntent be available throughout the world on a Korean platform, without any interference from foreign companies, they say. Jung Duk-hyun Cultural Critic
KF > Arts & Media
Koreans Dazzled by Foreignized Korea 2018.07.13

Koreans Dazzled by Foreignized Korea

...ith theirs and judging which is better; it just affirms that cultures are different and that is why they are intriguing. Jung Duk-hyun Cultural Critic
KF > Arts & Media
Movie Images of North-South Relations 2018.10.08

Movie Images of North-South Relations

...hen South Korean President Kim Dae-jung traveled to the North to meet his ...lity and a tireless struggle for survival. Jung Duk-hyun Pop Culture Critic
KF > Arts & Media
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