검색어 "K-pop globalization"에 대한 검색결과 "총 13건"

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Korea Focus Webzine Vol. 9(September), 2011 2011.09.20
...Won Chong-hyun) - Global Craze for K-Pop: A New Economic Engine(Kim Pil-so...story Education for the Era of Globalization and Multicultural Society(Kim...
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[Korean Content] K-Pop: Experiments, Challenges & Future 2023.08.24

[Korean Content] <font color='red'>K-Pop</font>: Experiments, Challenges & Future

 Features >  K-Pop: Experiments, Challenges & Future K-Pop: Experiments, Ch...o far. One could refer to this as “K-pop globalization 3.0.” For quite som...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.09 > Features
Authentic Message of Their Own Narrative 2019.10.04

Authentic Message of Their Own Narrative

...t rankings, industry influence, music consumption in the new media era, K-pop's globalization — these are some of the factors that are often highlighted in disc...
KF > Arts & Media
A KF Fellow's Essay 2014.02.27

A KF Fellow's Essay

...lyu, or the overseas popularity of K-pop and drama, an increasing number o...e for advancement progress and globalization, beyond what I have learned s...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 11월 뉴스레터 > people
Korea Seduces the Global Beauty World 2018.12.24

Korea Seduces the Global Beauty World

...expanded to the rest of the world. K-pop has also become a powerful driver... scene, paving the way for the globalization of K-beauty. The BB cream cra...
KF > Arts & Media
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