검색어 "Korean "에 대한 검색결과 "총 7763건"

  • 업무
  • (총 18건)
검색결과-업무(부서, 담당업무, 연락처, 팩스번호)
부서 담당업무 연락처
Arts & Culture Department Support for Overseas Museums, Support for Establishment of Endowed Curatorship, Workshop for Korean Art Curators +82-64-804-1111
Korean Studies Department Chief Officer of Support for Establishment of Professorships program and Employment of Contract Faculty Member program +82-64-804-1116
Korean Studies Department Chief Officer of Strengthening Overseas Networking program, KF Global e-School program +82-64-804-1160
Korean Studies Department Support for Establishment of Professorships program and Employment of Contract Faculty Member program +82-64-804-1091
Fellowships Department Korean Language Training Fellowship, IUC Fellowship, Korean Language and Culture Learning Program for Diplomats +82-64-804-1122
Korean Studies Department Support for Establishment of Professorships program and Employment of Contract Faculty Member program +82-64-804-1025
Korean Studies Department KF Global e-School program +82-64-804-1107
Korean Studies Department Chief Officer of KF Global e-School program +82-64-804-1139
Korean Studies Department Chief Officer of Dispatch of Visiting Professor program +82-64-804-1148
Korean Studies Department Head of Korean Studies Department +82-64-804-1104
Arts & Culture Department Introduction of Korean Arts and Culture, Publication of "Global Hallyu Status" +82-64-804-1109
Arts & Culture Department Introduction of Korean Arts and Culture, Workshop for Korean Art Curators +82-64-804-1073
Korean Studies Department Dispatch of Visiting Professor program +82-64-804-1112
Fellowships Department Korean Language and Culture Learning Program for Diplomats, Distribution of Knowledge & Information on Korea, Strengthening Korean Experts Networks +82-64-804-1132
Arts & Culture Department Support for Overseas Museums, Support for Establishment of Endowed Curatorship, Workshop for Korean Art Curators +82-64-804-1141
Global Programs Bureau I Head of Global Programs Bureau I (Korean Studies Department, Fellowship Department, Arts & Culture Department) +82-64-804-1121
Fellowships Department Fellowship for Field Research, Korea Corner, Distribution of Knowledge & Information on Korea, Strengthening Korean Experts Networks +82-64-804-1169
Arts & Culture Department Introduction of Korean Arts and Culture, Publication of “KOREANA” Magazine (Online) +82-64-804-1161
  • 게시판
  • (총 1246건)
Korean Literature Workshop for Overseas Doctoral Students. 2016.06.24
Korean Literature Workshop for Overseas Doctoral Students. [한국어 바로가기(Korean)] To revitalize Korean literature-related research and education abroad, t...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[20240315/환영사/영문] AAS KF Reception 환영사 2024.08.01
AAS Annual Conference 2024 KF Korean Studies Reception Friday, March 15, 20... my most sincere thank you to all Korean studies professors for your dedic...
한국국제교류재단 > 이사장소개 > 이사장 연설문
2021 한국어 펠로십 선정자 명단 2020.12.17
...Haneen Egypt Ain Shams University Korean language department Undergraduate...arlal Nehru University Centre for Korean Studies MA Student 3 Albin Lauren...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[Notice] Five documentary films on Korean culture completed 2009.07.10
Five documentary films on Korean culture have been completed in 2009 under ... the Korea Foundation Dubbed into Korean, English, Chinese, Spanish and Fr...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 4837건)
Korean Studies in Vietnam 2021.04.19

<font color='red'>Korean</font> Studies in Vietnam

...xtbook examines ?he status of the Korean people, who lost their country.?T...ch. Korean Language Education and Korean Studies Korean language education...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2005년 2월 > New Publications II
Korean Language Education: What's in Korea's Best Interests? 2021.04.19

<font color='red'>Korean</font> Language Education: What's in Korea's Best Interests?

... character) education on the AKSE Korean Studies listserve prompted a numb... Korean Studies/KFL community and Korean immigrant communities have a shar...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2003년 5월 > Internet World II
Korean Galleries at the New Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, U.S.A. 2021.04.19

<font color='red'>Korean</font> Galleries at the New Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, U.S.A.

...vate gift, $15 million, came from Korean-born Silicon Valley entrepreneur ...vements of Asian art and culture. Korean Galleries at the New Asian Art Mu...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2003년 3월 > On the Spot III
Korean Studies Program at the University of Michigan 2021.04.19

<font color='red'>Korean</font> Studies Program at the University of Michigan

The Korean Studies Program (KSP) was founded in 1995 at the University of M...ment with Korean Studies. Vibrant Korean Studies Program The vibrant natur...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2003년 3월 > On the Spot III

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