검색어 "Korean Film"에 대한 검색결과 "총 922건"

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[Call for Application] 2020 Online Korean Art Workshop for Undergraduate/Graduate Students 2020.09.22
...gn students who areinterested in Korean art to participate in the 2020 On...orean History - K-Pop Culture | - Korean Film Industry 3. Korean art semin...
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[Invitation] Prof. Idrissa Diabate, Professor of Institut National des Arts et de l'Action Culturelle in Cote d'Ivoire 2009.11.25
...ces brought him many prizes at the film festivals in French speaking Afric...ill visit organizations related to film arts and media, such as the Korean...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[New Publication] "The South Korean Film Renaissance" by Wesleyan Univ. 2010.02.23
"The South Korea Film Renaissance" has recently been published by Wesleyan ...d an aesthetic account of how the Korean film industry managed into a cult...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
Results of the 2020-2021 Arts and Cultural Exchange Program 2019.12.19
...Exhibition Featuring Contemporary Korean Lacquer 3 Bavarian State Theatre ...rmented Liquor Culture Project 10 Korean Film Festival of Canada Canada Ko...
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[Digital Contents] Acts I & II of Korean Film Craze 2022.05.17

[Digital Contents] Acts I & II of <font color='red'>Korean</font> <font color='red'>Film</font> Craze

Acts I & II of Korean Film Craze Lee Dahye Reporter Cine 21 The second act ...expansion of Korean movies before Korean TV series began gaining attention...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.05 > KF Features
Dalparan Thriving on Different Notes 2019.04.03

Dalparan Thriving on Different Notes

...re; he is now revolutionizing the Korean film music scene. Since his first...e fertile ground for 21st century Korean film music to bloom anew. “Back t...
KF > Arts & Media
Meeting Korean Culture Abroad: Korea and Korean Cinema Accessible All over Europe 2018.05.28

Meeting <font color='red'>Korean</font> Culture Abroad: Korea and <font color='red'>Korean</font> Cinema Accessible All over Europe

KF Features > Meeting Korean Culture Abroad: Korea and Korean Cinema Access...rove that the world's interest in Korean film is increasing. These posters...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2018년 한국국제교류재단 6월 뉴스레터 > KF Interviews & Essays
The Korean Film Festival DC 2014.02.14

The <font color='red'>Korean</font> <font color='red'>Film</font> Festival DC

Cinematic Diversity As Korean films rose to global prominence in the late 1...same time, organizations like the Korean Film Archive and the Pusan Intern...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2011년 한국국제교류재단 6월 뉴스레터 > culture

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