검색어 "Live Media Wall"에 대한 검색결과 "총 113건"

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KF XR 갤러리 개관전 <창백한 푸른 점 Pale Blue Dot> 개최 2023.05.15
...l exchanges, utilizing interactive media arts, AR, VR, MR, XR, and metaver...ion of Point of Observation on the Media Wall. 김정태, <투명한 조각들> 2023 G...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
KF XR 갤러리 개관전 《창백한 푸른 점》 전시 연장 (~11.4.) 2023.10.27
...l exchanges, utilizing interactive media arts, AR, VR, MR, XR, and metaver...ion of Point of Observation on the Media Wall. 김정태, <투명한 조각들> 2023 G...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 81건)
Opening of the ACH Digital Experience Zone 2023.02.02

Opening of the ACH Digital Experience Zone

...new exhibit consists of VR, an LED media wall, immersive panoramic videos,...e Sumatran rainforest. This is the Live Media Wall which features live vie...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2023년 2월 VOL66 > ACH News
ASEAN Culture House Opens Digital Experience Zone 2022.12.23

ASEAN Culture House Opens Digital Experience Zone

...s of ASEAN culture through digital media like virtual reality, LED media w...plants that lead to an information media wall highlighting ASEAN countries...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.01 > What's On
A Trailblazer's Dream Come True 2018.07.13

A Trailblazer's Dream Come True

...indigenous stone objects that will live on for centuries.” His heart growi...ich would be longer than the Great Wall of China if connected end to end,”...
KF > Arts & Media
Pondering Eternity from Graveside Walls 2016.11.04

Pondering Eternity from Graveside Walls

...lls called sandam, like the double wall he is sitting on that surrounds a ... There, sitting on the shady stone wall around a grave, he offered drinks ...
KF > Arts & Media
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