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[Korean Content] Korean Variety Shows Go Global 2023.11.23

[Korean Content] Korean Variety Shows Go Global

...ws Go Global Korean Variety Shows Go Global Pasha Daeeui Park Reporter, Maeil Business News Korea   Global fans of Korean culture are turning towards variet...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.12 > Features
‘Renewed Optimism in the Future for Regional Newspapers' 2021.04.19

‘Renewed Optimism in the Future for Regional Newspapers'

...ily with deep roots in the media business, including newspaper, radio and ...y worldwide these days, he visited Korea to look into possible opportuniti...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 7월 > Moscow Office
Bilateral Efforts to Reinforce Cooperative Relations 2021.04.19

Bilateral Efforts to Reinforce Cooperative Relations

...while John Denton, Board Member, Business Council of Australia noted that ...and Son Hyunduck, Politics Editor, Maeil Business Newspaper concurred on t...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 7월 > Activities Calendar
Jamia Millia Islamia Opened Undergraduate Degree Program in Korean Language in 2019 2020.05.14

Jamia Millia Islamia Opened Undergraduate Degree Program in Korean Language in 2019

...entually admitted. Since 2017, the Korea Foundation is dispatching a visit...ia Islamia. (Photo courtesy of the Maeil Business Newspaper. https://www.m...
KF > Korean Studies
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