검색어 "Makeup"에 대한 검색결과 "총 31건"

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Promoting K-beauty through the Fingertips - Makeup Artist Eun Jin Lee 2021.02.01

Promoting K-beauty through the Fingertips - <font color='red'>Makeup</font> Artist Eun Jin Lee

...K-beauty through the Fingertips - Makeup Artist Eun Jin Lee    Eun Jin Lee...ce in the financial sector) and a makeup artist. Lee began studying makeup...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2021년 2월 VOL42 > Special Feature
K-Beauty Experience In Depth and Personal 2018.12.24

K-Beauty Experience In Depth and Personal

... who is reputedly Korea's leading makeup artist and has been creating look...idly remember getting my hair and makeup done professionally for my job in...
KF > Arts & Media
Aesthetic Awareness of Women in Old Paintings 2018.12.24

Aesthetic Awareness of Women in Old Paintings

...y used for face powders and color makeup include rice, four o'clock flower...er relics, Korea had a noticeable makeup culture as early as the first cen...
KF > Arts & Media
Korea Seduces the Global Beauty World 2018.12.24

Korea Seduces the Global Beauty World

...popularity of Korean skincare and makeup products among overseas consumers...mpany Stylenanda's mid-low priced makeup brand 3CE for 400 billion won (US...
KF > Arts & Media
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