검색어 "Physical: 100"에 대한 검색결과 "총 50건"

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[Invitation] Prof. Wang Xiaoli, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University 2009.08.31
...ies via optical fiber cables, was Head Professor of the Laboratory of Physical Studies and Chief of the Office for the 100 Global Universities in the 21st Century of Xi'an Jiaotong University, a...
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[도서관] 미국 하와이대 한국학센터도서관 오유진 8개월차 2017.05.15
... 중점을 두었으며 System of Arrangement, Physical Access, Related Archival Materia...습니다. Donald C. W. Kim Collection 역시 100여 장의 낱장으로 보관된 photographs 뿐 만 아니라 2...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[도서관] 미국 컬럼비아대 동아시아도서관 민수진 3개월차 2018.06.15
... 위 사진처럼 cataloging이 완료된 시나리오들을 도서관의 100 Level에 놓고 있습니다. 시나리오 뿐만 아니라 100 Le...번 달에 처음 해본 업무는 구입 도서를 packaing 및 physical processing하는 작업이었습니다. 먼저, 구입한 도서...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
Касым-Жомарт Токаев посетил церемонию открытия «Игр будущего» 2024.02.22
...лее 2 тысяч участников из более чем 100 стран мира. Игроки и команды из Ка...изическую культуру и киберспорт (physical+digital). На одной из площадок Г...
Секретариат Форума по сотрудничеству между Кореей и Центральной Азией > События > Новости
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[Korean Content] Korean Reality Series Physical: 100 Captures Global Audience 2023.03.24

[Korean Content] Korean Reality Series <font color='red'>Physical:</font> <font color='red'>100</font> Captures Global Audience

...eatures >  Korean Reality Series Physical: 100 Captures Global Audience Ko... contestants boasting impressive physical strength, including but not limi...
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Endless Variations on Rice 2016.11.04

Endless Variations on Rice

...tes. Even today, when a babyreaches 100 days of age, a white rice cake, ca... a source of spiritual as wellas physical sustenance. When a baby is 100 d...
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Introducing Stars from ASEAN Countries! 2023.02.02

Introducing Stars from ASEAN Countries!

...e the first Cambodian song to reach 100 million views on YouTube, and won ...commitment to sports despite her physical disabilities, as well as for her...
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Seeking Hope in Grandparents' Homeland 2018.04.19

Seeking Hope in Grandparents' Homeland

...Koreans who migrated to Russia over 100 years ago. Their grandparents and ...h Korean reading and writing and physical education from morning till even...
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