검색어 "Queen of Housewives"에 대한 검색결과 "총 7건"

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Korea Festival in MIKTA -Traditional Korean Music Takes the Stage in Cuba 2015.12.09

Korea Festival in MIKTA -Traditional Korean Music Takes the Stage in Cuba

..., and dance performances in Cuba since 2005, and supported the broadcast of Korean TV dramas, such as Queen of Housewives (the first Korean television drama aired in Cuba), My Fa...
KF > Arts & Media
Overview of KF Activities in 2012 2014.02.27

Overview <font color='red'>of</font> KF Activities in 2012

...am is designed to overcome the lack of qualified instructors and education...pular Korean TV series, including “Queen of Housewives” and “My Fair Lady,...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 2월 뉴스레터 > news
[The Ties That Bind] Cuba: 193rd Nation to Establish Diplomatic Ties with Korea 2024.03.21

[The Ties That Bind] Cuba: 193rd Nation to Establish Diplomatic Ties with Korea

...ong 103 years since the first group of Koreans settled in Cuba for the two...ular, the Korean television series Queen of Housewives was broadcast by Ca...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2024.04 > Features
The Korean Enigma 2021.04.19

The Korean Enigma

... was astonished to see Japanese housewives go ga-ga over the young Korean ...1289). This Indian princess became Queen of the ancient Gaya Kingdom of Ko...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2006년 11월 > New Publications
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