검색어 "Seminar"에 대한 검색결과 "총 816건"

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  • (총 12건)
검색결과-업무(부서, 담당업무, 연락처, 팩스번호)
부서 담당업무 연락처
Global Networking Department Next Genenation Leaders program, Youth Exchange program, Forums and Seminars +82-2-2151-6553
Asia Programs Department Forums and Seminars, Next-Generation Leaders program (Middle East) +82-51-775-2038
Global Networking Department Head of Youth Exchange program, Invitation Programs for Distinguished Guests, US Peace Corps Volunteers Revisit Program, Next Genenation Leaders program, Forums and Seminars +82-2-2151-6517
Global Networking Department Head of Next Genenation Leaders program, Youth Exchange program, Forums and Seminars +82-2-2151-6522
Global Networking Department Invitation Programs for Distinguished Figures, Next-Generation Leaders program, Youth Exchange program, Forums and Seminars +82-2-2151-6548
Asia Programs Department Forums and Seminars, Next-Generation Leaders program, Youth Exchange program +82-51-775-2018
Asia Programs Department Forums and Seminars, Next-Generation Leaders program (ASEAN) +82-51-775-2032
Global Networking Department Head of Forums and Seminars, Bilateral Forums and Seminars between Korea and Japan +82-2-2151-6557
Global Networking Department Head of Invitation Programs for Distinguished Guests, Next Genenation Leaders program, Youth Exchange program, Forums and Seminars +82-2-2151-6568
Asia Programs Department Forums and Seminars, Next-Generation Leaders program, Youth Exchange program +82-51-775-2016
Asia Programs Department Forums and Seminars, Youth Exchange program +82-51-775-2042
Asia Programs Department Forums and Seminars, Next-Generation Leaders program, Youth Exchange program +82-51-775-2034
  • 게시판
  • (총 168건)
[INVITATION] KF Global Seminar [Middle Powers and Public Diplomacy] 2013.11.06
The Sixth Korea Foundation Global Seminar The Korea Foundation cordially i...you to attend the Sixth KF Global Seminar “Middle Powers and Public Diplom...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[싱크탱크] 오스트리아 잘츠부르크 글로벌 세미나(SGS) 박성태 1개월차 2017.09.04
...세요. 잘츠부르크 글로벌 세미나(Salzburg Global Seminar, 이하 SGS)에서 2017년 6월 18일부터 프로그램 인...에는 참가자들의 회의를 위한 장소로 주로 사용됩니다. (6) Seminar Room (Seminar Room) Marble Hall과...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[싱크탱크] 미국 랜드연구소 (RAND) 이승현 4개월차 2016.06.13
...월에 참석한 세미나입니다. 5월2일 Applied Micro seminar: “Making the Grade: Understandin...na Champaign) 5월 9일 Applied Micro seminar: “The Long-Run Effects of Childh...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[도서관] 미국 하버드대 하버드-옌칭도서관 이지은 7개월차 2017.10.13
...배에 달하여서, 처음 사무실에 들어가는 사람들은 어디가 어딘지 분간을 못 할 정도로 무척 넓고 복잡했습니다. 2. 도서관 관련 seminar 참석 저는 하버드 내에서 열리는 각종 seminar에 한 주에 1번씩은 참석하는데, 이번 달엔 특히, 도서관과 관련된 흥미로운 seminar에 참석하여 보고서에 쓰고자 합니다....
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 513건)
KF Global Internship at WoodrowWilsonCenter 2014.02.27

KF Global Internship at WoodrowWilsonCenter

...n large part to North Korea. Regardless of the particular theme at any seminar, everybody had a certain level of understanding of Korea. Korea-relat...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 7월 뉴스레터 > knowledge
KFGS (The Korea Foundation Global Seminar) 2014.02.27

KFGS (The Korea Foundation Global <font color='red'>Seminar</font>)

...the Fifth Korea Foundation Global Seminar, which was held at Mayfield Hote...ies, Visions and Actions." At the Seminar, scholars, government workers, a...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2013년 한국국제교류재단 01월 뉴스레터 > knowledge
The Sixth KF Global Seminar [Middle Powers and Public Diplomacy] 2013.12.04

The Sixth KF Global <font color='red'>Seminar</font> [Middle Powers and Public Diplomacy]

...the Sixth Korea Foundation Global Seminar (KFGS) under the title “Middle P...reate the global public good, the seminar aimed at fulfilling three object...
KF > Global Networking
Inaugural Session of KF Global Seminar 2021.04.19

Inaugural Session of KF Global <font color='red'>Seminar</font>

...cipate in its inaugural KF Global Seminar (March 24-28, 2011). The Foundat...aunch such a timely and important seminar. Given the current stalemate of ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2011년 5월 > knowledge

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