검색어 "Seoul "에 대한 검색결과 "총 4348건"

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2024 파리올림픽 계기 KF XR 갤러리 기획전 <메타 시티: 서울-파리> 개최 2024.04.25
METACITY SEOUL PARIS <메타 시티:서울-파리> 2024년 파리 올림픽 계기 KF XR 갤러리 기획전 KF X...술관 Seoul Olympic Museum of Art 서울문화재단 Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[Fellowship]2008 KF Awardees for the Graduate Studies Fellowship for Foreign Students in Korea 2008.02.22
...3~)17. Mr. Jin Longshan, China, Sogang Univ. Ph.D.18. Ms. Wu Ye, China, Seoul National Univ. M.A.('06.9~)19. Ms. Li Mei Yu, China, Seoul National Univ. M.A.('07.9~)20. Ms. Olga Sadaeva, Russia, Seoul Nationa...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
KF Korean Studies Assembly 2015 2015.07.01
... Venue: The Westin Chosun Hotel -- Seoul, Korea ❍ Hosted and Organized by:... KWON Youngmin Emeritus Professor, Seoul National University 09:50 (Interm...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
Центрально-азиатский весенний фестиваль 2024г.(18-19 мая/ Seoul Cheonggye Plaza) 2024.05.13
...ния. .     ○ Сеульский Поп-Оркестр Seoul Pops Orchestra   Сеульский Поп-Ор...еков к фильмам и популярных песен. Seoul Pops Orchestra стремится разрушит...
Секретариат Форума по сотрудничеству между Кореей и Центральной Азией > О Секретариате > Объявления
  • 콘텐츠
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‘Following the Traces of Antonin Dvorak' 2021.04.19

‘Following the Traces of Antonin Dvorak'

Seoul Oratorio, which was founded in 1991 to preserve and promote oratorium... an oratorium complex. Since 2001, Seoul Oratorio has conducted ex-change ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2007년 9월 > Letter from Fellow
Piecing Together the Remnants of an Ancient Kingdom 2017.07.14

Piecing Together the Remnants of an Ancient Kingdom

...d Songpa districts in southeastern Seoul harbor their remains amid rowsof ....–A.D. 475) of Baekje, head to the Seoul Olympic Park. The Seoul Olympic P...
KF > Arts & Media
The Adventures of Barry Welsh in Seoul 2017.04.25

The Adventures of Barry Welsh in <font color='red'>Seoul</font>

...A The Adventures of Barry Welsh in Seoul Since he came to Korea to teach E...ralCenter in Myeong-dong, downtown Seoul. They hadcome for the Seoul Book ...
KF > Arts & Media
My One Year ‘Pilgrimage' in Seoul 2021.04.19

My One Year ‘Pilgrimage' in <font color='red'>Seoul</font>

...ea. I thus imagined that living in Seoul would mean having a hectic life i... my stay, my perceptions about the Seoul metropolis underwent a total chan...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 5월 > Fellow Essay 2

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