... Architects Planners & Engineers (pte) Ltd.; and Boris Palmer, mayor, Tubingen, Germany; moderated by Philip Stephens, associate editor and chief po...
Prof. Bernd Engler, Rector of the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen will visit Korea from June 1 to June 7, 2009 by invitation of the Korea Founda...
...lands Leiden University Korean-language courses Germany University of Tubingen Korean-language courses China Shandong University Korean-language cou...
아시아 문화유산, 아시아의 도시를 연구하는 독일에 위치한 글로벌 인문사회과학 연구기관 (제공 언어 : 영어, 독일어) H : https://uni-tuebingen.de/en In : https://www.instagram.com/universitaet.tuebinge...
...niversity of Regensburg Establishment of Korean Studies professorship Tubingen University Korean language courses Goettingen State and University Li...
...uffered terribly. A Korean Studies professorship at the University of Tubingen no longer exists, while the Korean Studies program at Humboldt Univer...