검색어 "Visit Korea"에 대한 검색결과 "총 2382건"

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Крупнейшие госпредприятия Туркменистана подписали два деловых соглашения с Hyundai Engineering 2024.06.27
...N20240610000351315 3) https://daryo.uz/en/2024/06/11/turkmenistan-south-korea-ink-bilateral-deals-during-president-yoon-suk-yeols-ashgabat-visit   ※ Данный пост был обобщен, переведен и отредактирован Центральн...
Секретариат Форума по сотрудничеству между Кореей и Центральной Азией > Тенденции > Экономика
투르크메니스탄 주요 국영기업, 현대엔지니어링과 업무협약 2건 체결 2024.06.27
...06/11/turkmenistan-south-korea-ink-bilateral-deals-during-president-yoon-suk-yeols-ashgabat-visit   ※ 본 게시물은 한국외국어대학교 중앙아시아연구소에서 요약, 번역, 감수하였습니다.
한-중앙아협력포럼사무국 > 분야별 동향 > 경제
[Invitation of Distinguished In] Mr. Georges A. Mangones, Adviser to the Good Neighbors in Haiti & Honorary Consul-General of the Republic of Korea 2011.09.09
... Consul-General of the Republic of Korea        Mr. Georges Albert Mangone... Consul-General of the Republic of Korea, will visit Korea from September ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Invitation] Mr. Thomas Ransford Tetteh, President of the Ghana Journalists Association 2011.06.03
...s Ransford Tetteh, President of the Ghana Journalists Association, will visit Korea from May 25 to 31 by invitation of the Korea Foundation.   Strengtheni...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 1725건)
Ta Ngoc Tan, Director of Ho Chi Minh National Academy, Vietnam 2014.02.27

Ta Ngoc Tan, Director of Ho Chi Minh National Academy, Vietnam

...Administration in Vietnam, visited Korea on September 17-23, (Check the da...lations. During his stay week-long visit at the invitation of the Korea Fo...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 11월 뉴스레터 > people
August 16 - September 15, 2007 2021.04.19

August 16 - September 15, 2007

...cultural Cooperative Federation of Korea and the Ieno Hikari Association o...ange October 3-16 korean teachers' visit to japan A total of 23 Korean sec...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2007년 10월 > Forum Report
Excited, Surprised, and Touched 2021.04.19

Excited, Surprised, and Touched

...rsity of Hamburg, Germany, visited Korea as a guest of the Korea Foundatio...ing exchanges with universities in Korea these days, making this visit of ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2007년 11월 > Beijing Office
Korea: The Home of My Heart Laying the Groundwork for Ukraine-Korea ‘Resource Diplomacy' 2021.04.19

<font color='red'>Korea</font>: The Home of My Heart Laying the Groundwork for Ukraine-<font color='red'>Korea</font> ‘Resource Diplomacy'

...r Power Plant, in Ukraine, visited Korea in order to promote “resource dip...ean from Ukraine, Mr. Syn said his visit to Korea was especially meaningfu...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 7월 > Washington D.C. Office
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