검색어 "Waves of Baekje"에 대한 검색결과 "총 8건"

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[Interview] New Media Artist Promotes Cultural Heritage through Immersive Works 2023.02.21

[Interview] New Media Artist Promotes Cultural Heritage through Immersive Works

...cinematic videos for over 100 games of various genres. At the moment, I di... September last year, you directed Waves of Baekje, a laser show beamed on...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.03 > People
Incense Burner Embodies Ideal World of the Baekje People 2017.07.14

Incense Burner Embodies Ideal World <font color='red'>of</font> the <font color='red'>Baekje</font> People

SPECIAL FEATURE Baekje: In Search of Traces of the Lost Kingdom SPECIAL FEA...gs and body is filled with a design of waves, clouds, and lotus blossoms, ...
KF > Arts & Media
A Rewarding Journey into Korea's History and Culture 2021.04.19

A Rewarding Journey into Korea's History and Culture

...ere and there among the shimmering waves. Before checking in at our overni...rned about the continued excavation of the relics of Baekje, and looked ar...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 7월 > Activities Calendar
Beyond the Typical: Free Heart and Sense of Beauty 2018.12.24

Beyond the Typical: Free Heart and Sense <font color='red'>of</font> Beauty

... wind and flames ride on the sound waves emanating from the bell and open ...n porcelain jar. The extreme beauty of the Baekje Gilt-bronze Incense Burn...
KF > Arts & Media
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