검색어 "Youn Yuh-jung"에 대한 검색결과 "총 23건"

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KF, 美 아카데미영화박물관 윤여정 대표작 상영 지원 2024.05.02
...(Korea Foundation, 한국국제교류재단, 이사장 김기환)가 지원하는 ‘한국 영화 상영시리즈 <윤여정: Youn Yuh-jung>’이 오는 5월 17일부터 25일(LA 현지시간)까지 9일간 미국 아카데미영화박물관(Academy Museu...
한국국제교류재단 > KF소식 > 보도자료
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[Meeting Korean Culture Abroad] K-Cinema Celebration in Canada 2021.11.23

[Meeting Korean Culture Abroad]  K-Cinema Celebration in Canada

...cross Canada, presenting a special screening of movies starring actress Youn Yuh-jung in celebration of her recent Oscar win. Also screened were high-quali...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.12 > KF Features
[Digital content] For a New Hallyu in the Post-Pandemic Era 2022.02.24

[Digital content] For a New Hallyu in the Post-Pandemic Era

...0, Parasite won the Academy Award for Best Picture. The following year, Youn Yuh-jung won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, and in 2022, Oh Young-soo ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.03 > KF Features
[Korean Contents] Music of film Minari 2022.09.25

[Korean Contents] Music of film Minari

...of film Minari Music of film Minari Jung Soon-young Film & music critic Youn Yuh-jung, the actress who is widely known as the grandmother in the acclaimed ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.10 > Features
[Digital Contents] Acts I & II of Korean Film Craze 2022.05.17

[Digital Contents] Acts I & II of Korean Film Craze

...me title by Korean American author Lee Min Jin, and stars Korean actors Youn Yuh-jung, Lee Min-ho and Kim Min-ha. In addition to movies created by Koreans,...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.05 > KF Features
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