검색어 "cinema "에 대한 검색결과 "총 423건"

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ASEAN Cinema Week 2019 ‒ ASEAN Cinema NOW! 2019.10.17
2019 아세안 영화주간 ASEAN Cinema NOW! 아세안 영화, 현재를 만나다! 2019 아세안 영화주간 아세안 영화, 현재를 만나다! ASEAN Cinema Week 2019 ASEAN Cinema NOW!w 아세안 10개국의 영화를 1편씩 총 10편을 만나볼...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
2021 KF세계영화주간, 내년에 다시 만나요! 2021.07.02
...습니다. 감사합니다.  Adieu' 2021 KF World Cinema Week!The KF would like to convey ...hich also included the 2021 ASEAN Cinema Week and the Central Asian Cinema...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[Notice] Ticket Open and Online Registration for ASEAN Cinema Week 2019 (Oct 24~) 2019.10.15
...ommemorative Summit, the ASEAN Culture House is proud to present ASEAN Cinema Week 2019 - ASEAN Cinema NOW! This exciting film festival will be held in major cities nationwi...
ASEAN > News > Notice
2021 KF World Cinema Week (Open Call for Opening Film Screening) 2021.06.10
2021 KF World Cinema Week: ‘My, Your, Our Lives in Cinema' is hosted by the Korea Foundation (KF) from June 18 to July 1. 2021 KF World Cinema Week of...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 271건)
한·아세안 특별정상회의 기념 2019 아세안 영화주간 - 아세안 영화, 현재를 만나다! 2022.12.28

한·아세안 특별정상회의 기념 2019 아세안 영화주간 - 아세안 영화, 현재를 만나다!

...6eg¿2019 아세안 영화주간 KTX 스팟 영상 ASEAN Cinema Week 2019¿ '2019 아세안 영화주간 - 아세안 영...   ASEAN Cinema Week 2019 - ASEAN Cinema NOW! ASEAN Cinema Week 2019 is a ...
아세안문화원 > 전시/공연/행사 > 아카이브_행사
Faint Memories of Old Cinemas 2017.01.10

Faint Memories of Old Cinemas

SPECIAL FEATURE Korean Cinema of the 21st Century: Dynamics and Dreams SPEC... After this memorable trip to the cinema, I started to frequent the neighb...
KF > Arts & Media
Feasts of Film Culture 2017.01.10

Feasts of Film Culture

SPECIAL FEATURE Korean Cinema of the 21st Century: Dynamics and Dreams SPEC...ay wonder how contemporary Korean cinema hasbecome so dynamic, but I think...
KF > Arts & Media
Illuminating Korean Cinema 2020.10.15

Illuminating Korean <font color='red'>Cinema</font>

...ve With Korea Illuminating Korean Cinema A mistaken encounter with a Korea... social ills. It all comes out in cinema and that's what makes it so great...
KF > Arts & Media

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