검색어 "festival"에 대한 검색결과 "총 1863건"

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[20240706/환영사/영문] 한·아세안 뮤직 페스티벌 환영리셉션 2024.08.06
...come Reception ASEAN-Korea Music Festival – 2024 ROUND in Korea Welc...to co-host the Korea-ASEAN Music Festival with KBS in Busan today. I am re...
한국국제교류재단 > 이사장소개 > 이사장 연설문
[Notice] Support for ‘Korean Culture Festival' 2009.07.02
Support for ‘Korean Culture Festival' at U.S. Universities The Korea Founda...is supporting the Korean Culture Festival at U.S. Universities. 1. Who is ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[ACH] 'Philippine Film Festival' 2019.09.10
Philippine Film Festival In Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Esta...d to co-host the Philippine Film Festival with the Embassy of the Philippi...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
2020-2021 해외단체한국문화예술행사지원 사업 공모 선정결과 2019.12.19
...usicians and 3 Indian Musicians and 1 Indian dancer.) 8 Korean French Festival Coree DIci France Festival Coree d'ici 9 Korean culture and education association in Belgium Bel...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
  • 콘텐츠
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Festival Season Provides a Much-needed Summer Diversion 2021.04.19

<font color='red'>Festival</font> Season Provides a Much-needed Summer Diversion

...s known as a country of matsuri (festival), with a wide variety of events ...tory and culture, is the largest festival event in Japan. The festival was...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 8월 > KF Activities
‘Let the World Enjoy Korean Culture' 2021.04.19

‘Let the World Enjoy Korean Culture'

...arge-scale “Korean Food and Film Festival” on November 12. This undertakin...ure. Recently, a Korean cultural festival was held on the campus of Americ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 12월 > Los Angeles Office
Original ‘Korean Wave' Re-created in Osaka 2021.04.19

Original ‘Korean Wave' Re-created in Osaka

The Shitennoji Wasso Festival, which is highlighted by a parade to honor th...Wasso Festival is the only local festival in Japan that focuses on the cul...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 12월 > Los Angeles Office
Meeting Korean Culture Abroad: Coree d'Ici "France's Most Comprehensive Korean Culture Festival" 2019.01.17

Meeting Korean Culture Abroad: Coree d'Ici "France's Most Comprehensive Korean Culture <font color='red'>Festival</font>"

...ost Comprehensive Korean Culture Festival" Meeting Korean Culture Abroad: ...ighted annually at a large-scale festival, Coree d'Ici.   Festival Coree d...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2019년 한국국제교류재단 2월 뉴스레터 > KF Interviews & Essays

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