검색어 "interview"에 대한 검색결과 "총 1204건"

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[Job opening] Full-time English Copy Editor 2022.03.21
...ected through a written test and interview. Interested candidates are invi... candidates will be selected.) - Interview: April 26, 2022 - Final result:...
한국국제교류재단 > 인재채용 > 채용공고
[싱크탱크] 미국 우드로윌슨센터 (WWICS) 박규현 5개월차 2016.08.08
...ea. Thirdly, I conducted a video interview with a North Korean defector, w...estions relating to it. Once the interview was over, I also had the chance...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[Job Opening] Full-time English Copy Editor 2019.04.09
...ected through a written test and interview. Interested candidates are invi...andidates will be selected)    - Interview: May 16, 2019    - Final result...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Job Opening] Full-time English Copy Editor 2017.03.08
... be selected by written test and interview. Interested candidates are invi... only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted by email. For...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 731건)
먼 곳의 친구에게: 아프로-동남아시아 연대를 넘어 2023.01.05

먼 곳의 친구에게: 아프로-동남아시아 연대를 넘어

...) https://youtu.be/R7u1Hgfk4p8¿▶ INTERVIEW - '먼 곳의 친구에게: 아프로-동남아시아 연대를 넘어'... - Daejin Choi, Artist   In this interview artist Daejin Choi talks about ...
아세안문화원 > 전시/공연/행사 > 아카이브_전시
Interview with Popular Indonesian Actress Revalina Temat 2014.03.05

<font color='red'>Interview</font> with Popular Indonesian Actress Revalina Temat

...t the Metropolitan Museum of Art Interview with Popular Indonesian Actress...WSLETTER > Interviews & Essays > Interview with Popular Indonesian Actress...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2013년 한국국제교류재단 05월 뉴스레터 > KF Interview & Essays
Interview with Brenda Paik Sunoo: ‘My book is a love letter to Jeju because this island is my muse' 2019.01.17

<font color='red'>Interview</font> with Brenda Paik Sunoo: ‘My book is a love letter to Jeju because this island is my muse'

People > Interview with Brenda Paik Sunoo: ‘My book is a love letter to Jej... because this island is my muse' Interview with Brenda Paik Sunoo: ‘My boo...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2019년 한국국제교류재단 2월 뉴스레터 > KF Interviews & Essays
Interview with Dr. Luu Tuan Anh, Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies and Head of the Korean Studies Department in the University of Social Sciences and Humanities at Vietnam National University, Hanoi. 2016.12.28

<font color='red'>Interview</font> with Dr. Luu Tuan Anh, Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies and Head of the Korean Studies Department in the University of Social Sciences and Humanities at Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

NEWSLETTERS Interview Interview with Dr. Luu Tuan Anh, Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies and Head of the Korean Studies Department in the Univer...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2017년 한국국제교류재단 1월 뉴스레터 > Interview

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