검색어 "standardization"에 대한 검색결과 "총 25건"

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2020 Central Asia-Korea Webinar on Standardization Cooperation 2020.08.12

2020 Central Asia-Korea Webinar on <font color='red'>Standardization</font> Cooperation

  KF Activities > 2020 Central Asia-Korea Webinar on Standardization Cooperation 2020 Central Asia-Korea Webinar on Standardization Cooperation Centra...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020. 09 > KF Activities
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages 2021.04.19

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

...t the efforts to standardize Korean language education in the U.S. Standardization of Korean Language Education The standardization project for Korean language education in the United States, which...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2011년 1월 > knowledge
KF Hosted Visit By Central Asian Next-Generation Leaders in the Standardization Sector 2019.08.23

KF Hosted Visit By Central Asian Next-Generation Leaders in the <font color='red'>Standardization</font> Sector

...ation leaders in the field of standardization from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,...tion on the current status of standardization in each country and present ...
KF > Global Networking
Five Habits of Successful Popular Films 2017.01.10

Five Habits of Successful Popular Films

... rampant self-duplication and standardization. There's a saying in the Kor... of this self-duplication and standardization is the desire of bigcapital,...
KF > Arts & Media
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