검색어 "A Nation of the Table"에 대한 검색결과 "총 147건"

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한-네덜란드 수교 60주년 기념전 《변덕스러운 부피와 두께》 개최 2021.06.22
...ea Foundation、in collaboration with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Neth...rii Thursday designed an accordion table to be used for displaying the 33 ...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[NOTICE] 2010 Postdoctoral Fellowship Application in Asia / Russia 2010.01.05
...ceived their Ph.D. degrees prior to the start of their fellowship research...sertations: must include abstract, table of contents, outline by chapter, ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Fellowship] Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2008 for Australasia 2007.10.16
...research at leading universities in the field of Korean studies so that th...sed dissertation, and an abstract, table of contents, outline by chapter, ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[NOTICE] 2011 Application for Postdoctoral Fellowship in Europe 2001.01.01
...ceived their Ph.D. degrees prior to the start of their fellowship research...sertations: must include abstract, table of contents, outline by chapter, ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
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[Interview] Baek Heon-seok PD: Bringing Korean Food Culture into the Global Spotlight 2023.04.21

[Interview] Baek Heon-seok PD: Bringing Korean Food Culture into <font color='red'>the</font> Global Spotlight

...ng the sliced meat by themselves at the table, and then again after tastin... seafood. Another hansik project is the “K-Food Show: A Nation of Taste” s...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.05 > People
Traditional Weddings, Past and Present 2017.04.25

Traditional Weddings, Past and Present

...EATURE Weddings: Korean Ways to Tie the Knot SPECIAL FEATURE 1 Traditional... and groom sit to the west and east of the high wedding table covered inre...
KF > Arts & Media
‘Something's Always Simmering in That Kitchen' 2017.10.17

‘Something's Always Simmering in That Kitchen'

...s Always Simmering in That Kitchen' The kitchen is a place where people co...en modernity and tradition, between the loss of the nation and colonialism...
KF > Arts & Media
A Livelihood Built in a Clean Environment 2018.01.12

<font color='red'>A</font> Livelihood Built in <font color='red'>a</font> Clean Environment

...CIAL FEATURE Gangwon Province: Land of Mountains, Myths and Memories SPECI...mmunal farm labor. On this occasion the table held highly nutritious dishe...
KF > Arts & Media
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