검색어 "Art Museum"에 대한 검색결과 "총 1419건"

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  • (총 2건)
검색결과-업무(부서, 담당업무, 연락처, 팩스번호)
부서 담당업무 연락처
Arts & Culture Department Support for Overseas Museums, Support for Establishment of Endowed Curatorship, Workshop for Korean Art Curators +82-64-804-1111
Arts & Culture Department Support for Overseas Museums, Support for Establishment of Endowed Curatorship, Workshop for Korean Art Curators +82-64-804-1141
  • 게시판
  • (총 230건)
[박물관] 미국 스미소니언 국립아시아미술관 박혜원 5개월차 2023.11.20
...shing에 대한 토크도 함께 진행되었습니다.https://www.si.edu/newsdesk/releases/national-museum-asian-art-presents-park-chan-kyong-gathering 4) 11월 1일부터 4일까지 박물관에서는 Provenance a...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
Support Program for Korea Day Events at Museums Abroad 2014.02.04
...s a special exhibition on Korean culture and arts, guided tours of the museum's Korean gallery, talk sessions with relevant artists/specialists, art performances, and demonstrations of Korean arts/crafts, so that local v...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[박물관] 미국 보스턴미술관 정주원 8개월차 2020.11.04
... 직접 맡아서 1시간동안 한국의 불교문화와 미술(Buddhist Art and Culture in Korea)을 Korean gall... 크리스티나의 든든한 성원에 힘입어 Yale University Art Gallery, Peabody Essex Museum, Met...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
National Museum of Asian Art Dedication Ceremony for Do Ho Suh's Public Figures 2024.08.12
National Museum of Asian Art Dedication Ceremony for Do Ho Suh’s Public Figures 18:00-19:30, Wednesday, May 22 West Building Plaza Dedication Ce...
KF > President > Speeches
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 775건)
Outsizing the Ordinary 2020.12.29

Outsizing the Ordinary

CULTURE & ART Interview Outsizing the Ordinary Installation artist Choi Jeo...re artistic, in many ways, than any art museum. Choi Jeong-hwa says he fin...
KF > Arts & Media
Kang Woon-gu; Won Seoung-won; Gwon O-sang 2018.04.19

Kang Woon-gu; Won Seoung-won; Gwon O-sang

...tions “Village: A Trilogy” (Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul, 2001); “Vintage La...mporary Art and the Seoul Museum of Art in Korea, the Mori Art Museum in J...
KF > Arts & Media
Transmitting the Forms of Divinity: Early Buddhist Art from Korea and Japan 2021.04.19

Transmitting the Forms of Divinity: Early Buddhist <font color='red'>Art</font> from Korea and Japan

...e Forms of Divinity: Early Buddhist Art from Korea and Japan" exhibition, ...iety, New York; Gyeongju National Museum, Korea; the Nara National Museum,...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2003년 5월 > Internet World II
Korean Gallery at the Peabody Essex Museum, U.S.A. 2021.04.19

Korean Gallery at the Peabody Essex <font color='red'>Museum</font>, U.S.A.

When the new Peabody Essex museum opens in June 2003, a renovated East Hall... first permanent home of the Korean art collection. The Yu Kil-chun Galler...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2003년 5월 > Internet World II

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