검색어 "Artist Kim Hyun-Jung"에 대한 검색결과 "총 5건"

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‘Feign' Series Shoots Audacious Artist to Fame 2017.10.17

‘Feign' Series Shoots Audacious <font color='red'>Artist</font> to Fame

CULTURE & ART INTERVIEW ‘Feign' Series ShootsAudacious Artist to Fame Young artist Kim Hyun-jung isrenowned for her audacity, which is oftendescribed ...
KF > Arts & Media
[Interview] Kim Hyun-Jung Interacts with the World through “Outrageous” Korean Paintings 2021.06.24

[Interview] <font color='red'>Kim</font> <font color='red'>Hyun-Jung</font> Interacts with the World through “Outrageous” Korean Paintings

People > [Interview] Kim Hyun-Jung Interacts with the World through “Outrag...ugh “Outrageous” Korean Paintings Artist Kim Hyun-Jung creates 21st-centur...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.07 > People
2021 KF Assembly for Overseas Museums 2021.11.29

2021 KF Assembly for Overseas Museums

...Museum of San Francisco; Katherine Anne Paul , Birmingham Museum of Art; Kim Hyun-jung, Denver Art Museum; Im Sooa, Cleveland Museum of Art; Jacqueline Cha...
KF > Arts & Media
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