The 4th Korea-Australia Forum, being held at Hobart, Australia on July 17-18, has been co-organized by the Korea-Australia Foundation (President: Kim ...
...Howard, former prime minister of Australia, to the 15th Korea Foundation F...lected the 15th Prime Minster of Australia. The victor of three more succe...
...titute for International Policy, Australia Dr. Michael Wesley, Executive D...tute for International Policy in Australia will visit Korea from July 18 t...
Australia's New South Wales Minister for Citizenship, Communities and Abori...outh Wales and the High Court of Australia in 1991. After an extensive leg...
Korea and Australia have strengthened their cooperative relations since the... than any other areas. Korea and Australia can be said to be in similar po...
...e the field of Korean Studies in Australia, in close cooperation with the ...development of Korean Studies in Australia. In particular, Korea-Australia...
The “Korea-Australia Dialogue 2010,” which was held in Seoul (May 26-27), p...nt of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia, addressed Australia's viewpoin...
The first Korea-Australia Leaders Forum, designed to foster bilateral coope...ding partner of Australia, while Australia is the eighth-ranked trading pa...