검색어 "Big Bet"에 대한 검색결과 "총 8건"

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[Korean Content] Two-part Releases: A Strategy for Survival Among Fierce Competition 2023.02.21

[Korean Content] Two-part Releases: A Strategy for Survival Among Fierce Competition

...catharsis they wanted and deserved. Similar reverse effects are found in Big Bet on Disney+ and TVING's Island. Big Bet was one of the most popular orig...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.03 > Features
The Lure of Korea's ‘Big Fish' 2020.03.22

The Lure of Korea's ‘<font color='red'>Big</font> Fish'

CULTURE & ART ART REVIEW The Lure of Korea's ‘Big Fish' Six years after its Broadway debut in 2013, “Big Fish,” a musical adaptation of Tim Burton's f...
KF > Arts & Media
Once Upon a Day – A Novelist Recalls 2020.10.15

Once Upon a Day – A Novelist Recalls

...s hitting the jackpot. I can safely bet that almost every delivery rider h...e a tip, politely saying, “It was a big order, wasn't it? It must have bee...
KF > Arts & Media
  • 동영상
  • (총 0건)

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