검색어 "Booker Prize"에 대한 검색결과 "총 22건"

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[Interview] Ambassador of Korean Literature: Interview with Translator Anton Hur 2017.09.01

[Interview] Ambassador of Korean Literature: Interview with Translator Anton Hur

...ean Literature: Interview with Translator Anton Hur 1. This March, the Booker Prize announced its International Prize shortlist, which included Cursed Bun...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2017년 9월 VOL1 > Activities
[Interview] Ambassador of Korean Literature: Interview with Translator Anton Hur 2022.10.23

[Interview] Ambassador of Korean Literature: Interview with Translator Anton Hur

...ean Literature: Interview with Translator Anton Hur 1. This March, the Booker Prize announced its International Prize shortlist, which included Cursed Bun...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.11 > People
Winter Issue of Koreana: Art & Technology 2023.11.23

Winter Issue of Koreana: Art & Technology

...s cover novelist Bora Chung, who was shortlisted for the International Booker Prize last year; DJ and music producer 250, labeled an “international treasu...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.12 > What's On
[Interview] President Kwak Hyo-hwan: The Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI Korea) Gets Ready to Leap Forward 2021.10.24

[Interview] President Kwak Hyo-hwan: The Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI Korea) Gets Ready to Leap Forward

...o the top as well. In the 2010s, before and after Han Kang won the Man Booker International Prize for fiction, more and younger writers from diverse genres received sma...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.11 > People
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