검색어 "Broadcasting"에 대한 검색결과 "총 155건"

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  • (총 23건)
[Invitation] Mr. Hussein O. Ba Salem, Chairman of Yemen Satellite Channel and Ch-1 2010.04.26
...nent personage in the field of broadcasting and media and his visit is exp... of international exchange for broadcasting programs between the two count...
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[Invitation] Dr. Jean-Bernard Munch, Chairman of SRG SSR idee suisse, Switzerland 2010.05.06
... of SRG SSR idée suisse (Swiss Broadcasting Corporation) will visit Korea ... General (CEO) of the European Broadcasting Union, Dr. Münch is a prominen...
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Next-Generation Leaders from the Southeast Asia Region 2007.04.23
...are important figures from the Broadcasting and Culture fields, who are ex...sia region, as well as Korea's broadcasting industry, culture and economic...
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[Invitation] Mr. Tarun Patel, Fiji TV Limited Group CEO 2010.06.14
...ns to supplement its satellite broadcasting channel, Fiji TV is investigat...eading Fiji TV as the first TV broadcasting in Fiji Islands as Operations ...
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  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 91건)
“I look forward to Korea-Fiji broadcast exchange” 2021.04.19

“I look forward to Korea-Fiji broadcast exchange”

...reparing for the future of its broadcasting industry. I took a close look ...e to the launch of the digital broadcasting era. Terrestrial TV transmissi...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 8월 > Washington D.C. Office
Growth Strategy for Broadcast Exchange with Korea 2021.04.19

Growth Strategy for Broadcast Exchange with Korea

...services, such as 3D TV by the broadcasting company, what measures were be...Idée Suisse is the only public broadcasting corporation of Switzerland tha...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 6월 > Activities Calendar
Life in Korea Created with a No-nonsense Spirit and Effort - Kim Yannie, broadcaster 2020.05.01

Life in Korea Created with a No-nonsense Spirit and Effort - Kim Yannie, broadcaster

...So, you wish to concentrate on broadcasting in the future? Yes, I do. Ther... if I don't get proposals from broadcasting stations?” This was because I ...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2020년 5월 VOL33 > Special
A Journey to Reconciliation through Pop Music 2018.10.08

A Journey to Reconciliation through Pop Music

...ecember 5 that year, the Seoul Broadcasting System (SBS) held the “Peace a...er, on December 22, the Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) held the “Na...
KF > Arts & Media
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